Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-10-13
Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-10-13
Minutes Approved November 10, 2010
Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
- Time: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
- Voting:
- Telecommunications Identity: Jonas Hogberg
- Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
- Privacy and Public Policy: Mark Lizar
- Healthcare ID Assurance: Pete Palmer
- Japan WG: Toshihiro Suzuki
- ID Assurance: Myisha Frazier-Mclveen (sp?)
- Federation Interoperability: John Bradley
- ULX: Paul Trevithick
- Non-Voting:
- Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
- Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
- Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
- Staff: Joni Brennan
- User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
- eGov: Colin Wallis
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Action Item Review
- Proposed Motion: To accept the Consumer Identity Work Group Interim Report approved by the group on October 12, 2010 and as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on October 12, 2010.
- Consider: Updated Proposed fellowship program supporting independent volunteers.
- Planned Agenda for Paris Meeting
- Budget Discussion:
- 2010 Close-Out
- 2011 Expectations
- Cross-Group Synchronization Process
- Marketing / Outreach Opportunities
- Membership Recruiting
- Budget Discussion:
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Quroum met with 8 voting members attending
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Motion: To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-29.
- Moved by Bob, Second by John B., Motion Carried
- Motion: To accept the Consumer Identity Work Group Interim Report approved by the group on October 12, 2010 and as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on October 12, 2010.
- Moved by John Bradly, second by Bob
- Discussion:
- Comment: Intent of the work is to leverage it to look for funding to support additional work to execute against it.
- Comment: Not sure it is worthy of publication outside the context of presentation
- Comment: OIX could cross-link to this report, could also lead into further NSTIC input
- Comment: Looking to use this interim report to develop a final recommendation that can support consumer-friendly credentials that are useful at higher LOA
- Motion Carried
- Consider: Updated Proposed fellowship program supporting independent volunteers.
- No action at this time, awaiting updated proposal based on previous feedback.
- Planned Agenda for Paris Meeting
- Budget Discussion:
- 2010 Close-Out
- 2011 Expectations
- Cross-Group Synchronization Process
- Comment: Awareness of what other work groups are doing (overlaps), plus need to deal with how to officially "liaise" between groups across IPR
- Comment: Possible visualization of overlapping / connecting work
- Comment: Trust frameworks are a big idea, would a survey sent to the LC before Paris help clarify how each WG
- Marketing / Outreach Opportunities
- Comment: Speaking in favor of this, support around this is of great importance
- Looking for Report Out from the Marketing Committee so the Japan WG can provide input.
- ACTION ITEM: Trent to send Suzuki an update on marketing activities to date and forward-looking notes.
- Membership Recruiting
- Comment: Meetings and conference are often "identity-related"... but we may need to go out further and meet with other communities to grow membership.
- Suggested New Agenda Topic: Explore if future meetings could include more of a virtual component rather than only physical
- Budget Discussion:
- AOB: Request for an update on NSTIC
- Mid-January is the expected next time it will show up in public
- Meeting Adjourned at 11:10am MDT
Next Teleconference
- Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010
- Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
, multiple selections available,