Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-29

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-29

Minutes Approved October 13, 2010

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting:
    1. ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    2. Privacy and Public Policy: Jeff Stollman
    3. BoT Liaison: Vadim Lander, Chief Identity Architect at Oracle
    4. eGov: Colin Wallis
    5. Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
    6. ULX: Paul Trevithick
    7. Telecommunications Identity: Jonas Hogberg
  • Non-Voting:
    1. Staff: Anna Ticktin
    2. Concordia: Paul Madsen
    3. Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
    4. Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams


  • UMA: Eve Maler


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-15
  3. Action Item Review:
    1. Trent to work with Staff to identify a reasonable date for LC elections that would fall after the majority (if not all) group elections.
    2. Trent to send proposal for the Fellowship Award program to the LC list.
    3. Trent to send to the LC list a link for members to subscribe to the IC3 mailing list, if they want to participate or just read the threads.
    4. Trent to send Abbie and Colin a template that they can use to formalize a proposal for engagement with NASPO.
  4. Proposed Motion: To accept the Final Report by the Concordia DG titled "Deployment Guide for Proxying Assurance between OpenID and SAML", version 1.0, dated September 9, 2010 and submitted to the LC Secretary on September 27, 2010.
  5. Consider: Proposed fellowship program supporting independent volunteers.
    1. Review: http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/lc/2010-September/001145.html
  6. Budget Discussion:
    1. 2010 Close-Out
    2. 2011 Expectations
  7. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    1. Quorum Met: 7 of 6 necessary voting members attending
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. MOTION: To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-09-15.
    2. Moved by Colin Wallis, Seconded by Paul Madsen
    3. Motion carried
  3. Action Item Review:
    1. Trent to work with Staff to identify a reasonable date for LC elections that would fall after the majority (if not all) group elections.
      1. Done: LC Elections to be held at meeting in Paris
    2. Trent to send proposal for the Fellowship Award program to the LC list.
      1. Done: Sent to LC list, and see below.
    3. Trent to send to the LC list a link for members to subscribe to the IC3 mailing list, if they want to participate or just read the threads.
      1. Done: Sent to LC list.
    4. Trent to send Abbie and Colin a template that they can use to formalize a proposal for engagement with NASPO.
      1. Done: Sent to Abbie and Colin
  4. MOTION: To accept the Final Report by the Concordia DG titled "Deployment Guide for Proxying Assurance between OpenID and SAML", version 1.0, dated September 9, 2010 and submitted to the LC Secretary on September 27, 2010.
    1. Moved by Paul Madsen, second by Colin Wallis
    2. Discussion:
      1. Draft was available for 45 day public review, and no input was received.
      2. Comments that the work is good and will be useful.
      3. Comment that this work is expected to become more relevant and will be valuable.
    3. Motion carried
  5. Consider: Proposed fellowship program supporting independent volunteers.
    1. Review: http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/lc/2010-September/001145.html
    2. Comment that this award is designed to recognize contributors who are not otherwise compensated (or expect to be compensated) for their contributions.
    3. Discussion about whether this is proposed as a merit-based award.
      1. Consensus is that this is not strictly merit-based, per se, and does not require the same level of evaluation as the MVP award (which is open to compensated contributors).
      2. Consensus is that some additional clarity is necessary around how the LC evaluates nominated contributors.
    4. Discussion about whether there is a need to limit the number of nominated contributors.
      1. Consensus is to remove the limitation of one nomination per workgroup, but to maintain the limitation of the LC awarding them per quarter (to minimize amount of time spent considering them during LC calls).
    5. Discussion about the title "Volunteer Fellow"
      1. Con: The term "volunteer" in the title may minimize it's impact in a resume.
      2. Pro: The term "volunteer" in the title my illustrate philanthropic work in a resume.
      3. No consensus reached: Further discussion required.
    6. Consensus continues to be in support of the proposal.
    7. ACTION ITEM: Trent to draft an updated version taking the discussion into account.
  6. Budget Discussion:
    1. 2010 Close-Out
      1. Group Leadership need to go through their records and respond whether their budget allocated for 2010 was spent (in whole or in part) and if any remains, if they intend to spend it in 2010.
      2. ACTION ITEMS:
        1. Trent to find out which Groups received allocated budget in the 2010, and contact the leaders of the Groups for information.
        2. Trent and Joni find how much was paid out to date to reconcile the numbers.
    2. 2011 Expectations
      1. Call for Group leadership to consider what work they may need funded in 2011.
      2. Paris meeting will discuss requested allocations.
      3. Similar to the 2010 budget process, it is unlikely that the LC will consider (and unlikely that the BoT would approve) allocating KI budget to support travel of Participants (or otherwise fund Participants to work on KI projects except in rare circumstances as indicated by precedent).
  7. AOB: What is the status with NSTIC?
    1. Comments that there was a lot of feedback received during the public review and that it will take a while to get through it.
    2. They are likely reaching out to individual groups for input as they process the responses, rather than hold additional rounds of public comment periods.
    3. The next version for consideration is expected to be publicly circulated in early 2011.
  8. Adjourned at 5:26pm MDT

Next Teleconference

  • Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
  • Time: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716