LC telecon 2012-01-04

LC telecon 2012-01-04

LC telecon 2012-01-04

Date and Time


  1. Extended Roll Call - New Chairs on Board, LC members should be prepared to:
    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Describe the organization you are representing and why Kantara is of value to you and/or your organization
    3. Provide a brief overview of the mission of the WG you are representing
  2. Overview of LC Roles and Responsibilities (Pete, Rich, Anna)
  3. Approve 2011-10-26 Minutes, 2011-11-09 Notes, 2011-12-07 Notes, and 2011-12-21 Notes
  4. Discuss 2012 LC goals
  5. WG Updates (recurring – please prepare a brief update of notable activities of your WG)
  6. Board of Trustees Liaison report (John B. and Colin W.) (recurring)
  7. Status of Quarterly WG Status Reports (recurring)
  8. AOB
  9. Adjourn


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
  2. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  3. Healthcare Identity Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
  4. Identity Assurance WG: represented by Rich Furr and Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  5. Consumer Identity WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro


  1. Joni Brennan
  2. Dervla O'Reilly


  • Lara Zimberoff


  1. Attribute Management DG: represented by Sal D'Agostino & Heather Flannigan

Extended Roll Call

Pete Palmer – Security Director @ SureScripts, member of Kantara and its predecessors for several years, has been on many different WGs. At SureScripts runs the largest eprescribing network, so the idea of good standards framework for interoperability is of paramount importance. Co-chair of the HIA WG whose miission is to get identity assurance framework integrated into the community.

Rich Furr – Vice Chair of Identity Assurance WG, which is working to review current ID assurance framework and bring it to where it needs to be. Head of Regulatory Affairs for SAFE BioPharma.

Eve Maler – Chair of User Managed Access WG, which is just over 2 years old now. UMA adds ability to centralize authorizing power.

John Bradley – was not able to provide an introduction due to technical difficulties.

Myisha Frazier-McElveen – recently joined Deloitte, which is now an approved assessor. Chair of Identity Assurance WG, which is focusing on identity assurance and proliferate identity concept.

Sal D’Agostino – represents himself, individual member of Kantara and Chair of Attrtibute Management DG.

Bob Pinheiro – independent consultant, working on federated identity and assurance, chair of Consumer ID WG. Group has not really taken off though Bob believes there is still a need for identity assurance in the consumer space.

Overview of LC Roles & Responsibilities

Distributed to group via email by Pete during the meeting -

Per the bylaws:

The roles and responsibilities of the Leadership Council include:
• Approval of new and revised Work Group Charters;
• Oversight of the operations and expenditures of all Groups;
• Disbanding Groups;
• Certification of Work Group output for Member ballot;
• Preparation of annual and supplemental budget requests to the Board of Trustees for funding of Leadership Council sponsored Groups; and
• Development and maintenance of the Operating Procedures, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.

Minutes & Notes

Approve 2011-10-26 Minutes

Approve 2011-11-09 Notes

Approve 2011-12-07 Notes

Approve 2011-12-21 Notes

All Minutes and Notes Approved by unanimous consent.

Discuss 2012 LC Goals

Pete Palmer wishes to set a goal of getting a total of 5 assessors on board, 3 new, during this calendar year, stating that FICAM recognition of framework needs to be official. Per Pete, there’s going to be an uptick in doctors prescribing controlled substances, many vendors are retooling their systems, and assessors will need to assist. Pete stated he believes this is going to be a big year for the initiative, that the interoperability piece of Meaningful Use is ideal for what Kantara is setting out to do, and there is much applicability at the federal level. Pete also stated that the HIA WG's PIDS project will be extremely valuable. Fundraising efforts are also a goal for the group.

Joni reiterated the importance of membership recruitment, and that recruitment is an area where the LC and BoT could be a key support. Dervla and Joni are working on an outline of what those activities might look like with a goal of having a process in place that continues so Kantara has a way to keep track of interested parties and make the recruitment effort ongoing. Joni reminded the group that each member always has her permission to connect her to prospective members, and stated she wishes to have a queue of prospects that we continue to work on throughout the year.

Rich Furr wishes to set up a loosely structured “family gathering” in which all organizations that are cross certified in FICAM have the opportunity to share technology and ideas.

Pete recommended that any other ideas and goals be distributed to the mailing list.

WG Updates

Per Pete, the HIA WG has been focusing on and spent the majority of last year working on the PIDS Project. He went on to say there’s a good chance the WG will be able to present on it at this year’s HIMSS Conference, which may help with some of the fundraising efforts. The HIA WG is hoping to do a lot more with PIDS this year within our community.

Per Myisha, the IA WG is potentially looking at relying party guidelines, looking for potential sponsors, and has a robust agenda for the coming year.

Per Sal, the Attribute Management DG hopes to have, by mid-Feb, a DG report that discusses its findings and suggestions for a possible WG effort.

Per Eve, the UMA WG did a webinar on 12/14 that was well received. The WG is planning another webinar / technical deep dive soon. There have been at least 3 implementations of UMA, so the group would like to put together documentation for those implementations. The group is very active right now.

Per Bob Pinheiro, the Consumer ID WG hasn’t been active, though there was a vote recently to not stop the group as there will hopefully be more of a need in the future. The group will likely be shut down the group unless more interest in generated.

Per John Bradley, the Federation Interoperability WG is looking at SAML Interoperable deployment documents and focusing on mechanics for trust frameworks between federations.

BoT Liason Report

John Bradley stated the BoT hasn't met since before Christmas and there was nothing to report. He inquired as to whether Pete or Rich should replace him as the liason since he is no longer the LC co-chair. Pete and Rich will discuss offline.

Status of Quarterly WG Reports

Tabled until next meeting.




Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 18 January 2012
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)