2011-Q4 Report - User-Managed Access Work Group

2011-Q4 Report - UMA WG

Date submitted: 1 Jan 2012

Officer positions:

  • Chair: Eve Maler (re-elected 22 Sep 2011)
  • Vice-Chair: Maciej Machulak (re-elected 19 May 2011)
  • Specification Editor: Thomas Hardjono (elected 11 Apr 2011)
  • Domenico Catalano, Graphics/UX Editor (re-elected 19 May 2011)
  • Maciej Machulak, Implementation Coordinator (informal)


  • Total participants: 133 (7 more since Q3)
    • Voting: 14 (4 more since Q3)
    • Non-voting: 119 (3 more since Q3)
  • Total email list subscribers: 162 (1 more since 1 Oct 2011)


  • Published meeting frequency: weekly (for whole-group telecons), additional telecons for smaller interest groups
  • Teleconferences held this quarter: 11 (plus additional ad hoc/focus telecons)
    • Quorate teleconferences: 6
  • Physical meetings this quarter: 1
    • Quorate physical meetings: 0


  • Draft specifications produced this quarter (see Working Drafts area):
    • Revised Core Protocol spec (IETF I-D saw significant revs 01 and 02)
    • Revised Trust Model spec
    • Trivially revised Dynamic Client Registration I-D (up to rev 03, to keep from expiring)

Deadlines in the next quarter:

  • Deadlines listed in the group charter: group chartered to operate for 18-24 months; August 2011 was 24 months; the group has entered into a new phase where the dominant activities are solving open issues, updating the I-D, and facilitating developer adoption and implementation interoperability
  • Goals for 2012-Q1:
    • Resolve all A-priority and B-priority issues
    • Revise IETF I-D for core spec in time for consideration at the IETF 83 meeting 25-30 Mar 2012
    • Put plan in place for virtual and F2F interop testing (extending into Q2 as well)

Liaison activity updates:

  • Opened up formal liaison connection with Project hData
  • Represented UMA at OAuth IETF group
  • Coordinated with OpenID Connect on dynamic client registration needs
  • Reached out to EU project communities
  • Reached out to additional US healthcare communities
  • Reached out to SCIM expert to get feedback on standardized scoping mechanism

Other comments:

  • Offered another public webinar in Dec 2012, covering new trust model and OpenID Connect details, reviewing status of three known implementations (SMARTAM, Fraunhofer AISEC, and Synergetics/TAS3), and demoing new SMARTAM features for OpenID Connect integration showing authorization based on standarized trusted claims