2010-Q3 Report - Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group

2010 - Q3 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

2010 - Q3 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

Date submitted: 25 Mar 2011

Officer positions:

* Co-Chairs:
* John Fraser, Rick Moore, and Pete Palmer
* Staff Liaison: Lara Zimberoff - MEDNET, Dervla O'Reilly - Kantara staff


* Total participants: 20
** Voting: 9
** Non-voting: 11
* Total email list subscribers: 64 (est.)


* Published meeting frequency: Every other week
* Teleconferences held this quarter: 5
** Quorate teleconferences: 5
* Physical meetings this quarter: 0
** Quorate physical meetings: 0

* Dazza Greenwood completed draft of eCitizen legal document for project
* Group submitted letter of support for NSTIC effort to Executive Office of Cyber Security
* Group received presentation from MITRE on Trust Hub
* Diagram of eCitizen Patient Identity Pilot submitted to WG

* Draft specifications produced this quarter: N/A
* Reports produced this quarter: N/A

Deadlines in the next quarter:

* Expiration of group leadership positions: _(e.g. annual chair election)_
* Deadlines listed in the group charter: _(e.g. duration expiration)_
* Group-imposed deadlines: Execute OpenID Agreement, submit the WG response to the ONC Security and Privacy Tiger Team RFI, update PIDS Project Plan, finalize / process OpenID Agreement.

Liaison activity updates:

* Pete Palmer provides status updates to Identity Assurance WG.

Other comments:

* N/A