2010-Q2 Report - Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group

2010 - Q2 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

2010 - Q2 Report - Health Identity Assurance WG

Date submitted: 25 Mar 2011

Officer positions:

* Co-Chairs:
* John Fraser, Rick Moore, and Pete Palmer
* Staff Liaison: Lara Zimberoff - MEDNET, Dervla O'Reilly - Kantara staff


* Total participants: 21
** Voting: 10
** Non-voting: 11
* Total email list subscribers: 64 (est.)


* Published meeting frequency: Every other week
* Teleconferences held this quarter: 5
** Quorate teleconferences: 5
* Physical meetings this quarter: 0
** Quorate physical meetings: 0

* eCitizen Project Proposal initiated
* Dan Combs submitted eCitizen Pilot plan to group
* Developed list of potential funders for eCitizen Project
* Created updated overview of eCitizen Project
* Project Plan submitted to WG document repository
* Brett McDowell submitted fundraising request to leadership counsel
* eCitizen submitted project plan to Steering Committee
* Barry Hieb submitted / presented VUHID overview Powerpoint

* Draft specifications produced this quarter: N/A
* Reports produced this quarter: N/A

Deadlines in the next quarter:

* Expiration of group leadership positions: _(e.g. annual chair election)_
* Deadlines listed in the group charter: _(e.g. duration expiration)_
* Group-imposed deadlines: Complete draft of eCitizen legal document, submit letter of support for NSTIC to Executive Office of Cyber Security, review information from MITRE on Trust Hub, submit diagram of eCitizen Patient Identity Pilot to WG

Liaison activity updates:

* N/A

Other comments:

* N/A