Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-01-06

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-01-06

Minutes approved on January 20, 2010

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010
  • Time: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 17:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting:
    1. User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
    2. IdP Selection: Philippe Clement
    3. Healthcare ID Assurance: John Fraser
    4. ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    5. ULX: Paul Trevithick
    6. Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
    7. Privacy and Public Policy: Robin Wilton
    8. IAWG: Frank Villavincencio
    9. Clients: Conor Cahill
  • Non-Voting:
    1. Concordia: Paul Madsen
    2. Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
    3. Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
    4. Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
    5. Staff: Brett McDowell
    6. Staff: Joni Brennan


  • BoT Liaison: Ken


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-12-09
  3. Update: Cross-Group Participation Committee (Colin)
  4. Update: External Group Liaison Process (Brett, Colin, Joe)
  5. Announcement: 2009-Q4 WG/DG Reports Due
  6. Discuss: 2009 Review
  7. Discuss: 2010 LC Focus
  8. Announcement: Staff responsibility changes for 2010 (Brett)
  9. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    1. 9 of 17 voting members: quorum reached
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. MOTION: To accept minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-12-09
    2. Motion carried
  3. Announcement: 2009-Q4 WG/DG Reports Due
    1. Due end of January
    2. ACTION ITEM: Trent to send note to LC list with template and deadline.
  4. Discuss: 2009 Review
    1. Early time in 2009 on process
    2. September was milestone on Operation Procedure
    3. Need to refocus on the WG/DG work itself
    4. Consensus: The LC did the work it needed to do to get the work going in 2009, and can shift focus in 2010
  5. Discuss: 2010 LC Focus
    1. Each LC call should include information-sharing between groups
    2. Should the LC play a role setting Kantara strategy in 2010?
      1. Perhaps it helps to shift the discussion from "strategic" to "roadmap" (i.e. what're the Kantara groups doing)
      2. May not be helpful for the LC itself to be developing a "roadmap", that should be left to the groups
      3. Is Kantara a collection of groups doing their own (loosely related) things, or are they part of a master plan for the overall organization?
      4. The difference between "strategy" and "roadmap" is that "roadmap" is more of a proactive "planning" exercise while "strategy" may be interpreted as more of a "steering" function (one to be avoided by the LC).
      5. Being mindful of some groups that speak to Kantara strategic goals (e.g. programs)
    3. Need to be sure that the LC is not "policing" work according to group charters.
    4. The LC should not be telling groups what page to be on, but facilitating work and collaboration
    5. Consensus: In addition to it's defined work, the LC should not set and drive strategy for all groups, but should reserve time in each call where groups (including programs) can present what they are doing as a method for understanding possible collaboration points.
    6. ACTION ITEM: Trent to circulate email suggesting modification to the scheduled LC calls according to the consensus.
  6. Update: Cross-Group Participation Committee (Brett)
    1. Committee Members: Colin, Joe, Robin, Brett
    2. No formal work of the committee has been done since the last report.
    3. Following the 2010 LC Focus discussion, the committee's work will move more toward the center of the LC focus of collaboration in the coming year.
    4. The LC could be where the genesis occurs for knowledge sharing, then moved to an operational model facilitated by the committee.
    5. The committee will explore a possible model where an ad-hoc LC sub-committee is formed to help formalize the collaboration when necessary.
    6. With such a low barrier to participation of individual members across groups, formalized cross-group participation may not require heavy process.
    7. The committee will continue to work on a model that they will present to the LC. No time frame given.
  7. Update: External Group Liaison Process (Brett)
    1. Committee Members: Colin, Joe, Robin, Brett
    2. No formal work of the committee has been done since the last report.
    3. Some external liaison relationships may require signed agreements, some won't.
    4. There may be some NDAs required to be signed by named liaisons between KI groups and external groups; most of these requirements are likely to be driven by the needs of the external groups, and not KI.
    5. There may be some need for the LC to act in a coordination role.
    6. Brett has been asked to submit to BoT draft rules required for general external group liaison.
  8. ADDITION: Question regarding submission of WG material as an IETF Internet Draft
    1. Eve: Is it okay for the UMA WG to produce IETF I-Ds in order to get its work analyzed by the IETF OAuth group, in advance of having something like a finished spec ready to submit to IETF in fulfillment of our charter?
    2. Brett: This is an interim work product not well described in the controlling documents. As such, there is currently no BoT or LC requirement to approve them prior to submission. This is a question that should be investigated.
    3. ACTION ITEM: Brett and Joni to work with Eve to understand the implications of a group submitting work to the IETF as an Internet Draft.
  9. Announcement: Staff responsibility changes for 2010 (Brett)
    1. Britta Glade has taken employment with RSA/EMC, and is no longer Kantara staff.
      1. The LC thanks Britta for her valuable work to help build a strong foundation for Kantara.
    2. Joni Brennon's new role is as program director. Her focus is on the Interoperability and Assurance programs with ongoing responsibilities for general operations.
      1. The LC congratulates Joni on her new responsibilities.
    3. Dervla O'Reilly has been hired as full time KI staff. Her responsibilities include project management over marketing and event activities as well as providing infrastructure and group support.
      1. The LC congratulates Dervla on her appointment to full time staff.
    4. Robin Wilton joins the KI staff as the Kantara of Director of Privacy and Public Policy.
      1. The LC congratulates Robin on his new position with Kantara.
  10. ADDITION: LC replacement of Conor Cahill as liaison to the BoT
    1. MOTION: (Conor) To appoint Frank Villavincencio as the replacement for Conor Cahill as the Leadership Council liaison to the Board of Trustees.
    2. Motion seconded, motion carried.
    3. The LC congratulates Frank and thanks him for his willingness to serve as the LC liaison to the BoT.
  11. Meeting adjourned at 18:17 UTC

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
  • Time: 3pm PST | 6pm EST | 23:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716