LC telecon 2011-12-21
LC telecon 2011-12-21
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 21 December 2011
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
- Skype +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 367-1716
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Roll Call
- Approve 2011-10-26 , 2011-11-09 , and 2011-12-07 Minutes
- Election Results
- Discuss 2012 LC Objectives / Agenda Items for next meeting
- Group-Specific Matters
- AOB / Happy Holidays!
Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.
- User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
- ID Assurance WG: represented by Rich Furr
- Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
- eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis
- Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg
- Anna Ticktin
- Dervla O'Reilly
- Lara Zimberoff
- Attribute Management DG: represented by Heather Flannigan
- None
Roll Call
Approve 2011-10-26 Minutes
Approve 2011-11-09 Minutes
Approve 2011-12-07 Minutes
All minutes approvals tabled until next meeting, call not in quorum.
Election Results
Pete Palmer has been elected Chair, Rich Furr has been elected Co-Chair. Rich stated he looks forward to working with the group.
Discuss 2012 LC Objectives / Agenda Items for next meeting
Rich Furr informed the group that one identity provider has been certified by Kantara under the FICAM certification and that there are a few more that are seriously considering certification. He also stated that Kantara is on its way to some measure of success as a trust framework, that over the past few months, we’ve been talking about ways to expand membership and awareness of Kantara. Rich stressed the importance of continuing this effort going into 2012. More resources and more volunteers would be a benefit so Rich encouraged the group to be thinking about ways to make that happen.
Group-Specific Matters
Eve Maler, update on UMA: We had our second webinar of this year last week. About 40 people dialed in live. In early 2012, we’re going to begin to plan some inter-op activities, so that is good news and it appears we’re on track.
Colin Wallis, update on eGov’s election: Currently 3 officer positions for the first time in eGov’s history.
AOB / Happy Holidays!
AOB / Happy Holidays!
Anna expressed thanks to John Bradley for his dedication as Chair in 2011, and to Pete Palmer and Lara Zimberoff for their efforts.
Next Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, 04 January 2012
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)