LC telecon 2011-02-09

LC telecon 2011-02-09

LC telecon 2011-02-09

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 9 Feb 2011 - moving the meeting scheduled for Feb 16 to Feb 9 due to the RSA Conference in San Francisco
  • Time: 14:00 PT | 17:00 ET | 22:00 UTC (time chart)


  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of 2011-01-05 minutes
  3. Action item review
  4. BoT matters
  5. WG/DG matters
    1. Consider new Open Source Work Group charter for approval
  1. Consider process guideline on LC Approval of Group Reports for approval
  2. Events and meetings
    1. Berlin agenda
    2. Other upcoming meetings
  3. Membership Recruitment and incentive package (see discussion)
  4. Discuss moving LC call back one hour (sample time chart)
  5. AOB


Quorum is 7 of 12 as of 10 Nov 2010.


  1. Consumer ID WG: represented by Bob Pinheiro
  2. ID Assurance WG: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen
  3. Privacy and Public Policy WG: represented by Jeff Stollman
  4. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  5. Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by John Fraser and Pete Palmer
  6. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis
  7. Telecommunications Identity WG: represented by Jonas Hogberg
  8. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley


  • Joni Brennan (managing director)


New AI summary




Send out sample UMA "roadmap bullets" to the LC and ask for chairs to send in their own to Dervla.

Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approval of 2011-01-05 minutes

Motion: Moved by Eve, seconded by Pete:


Approve 2011-01-05 minutes.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Deferred due to lack of quorum.

Action item review

We reviewed only the following AI:

  • 2011-02-02-2 Dervla & Joni Open Talk with Don Thibeau/OpenID to consider collaboration for a combined KI + OpenID Summit at Ping Identity's Cloud Identity Summit. In progress: OIDF is open to doing a joint event with Kantara, and we've jointly reached to Andre. In progress.

BoT matters

Since last week's update:

  • There are two new board positions now open, as announced.
  • The new liaison subcommittee has been announced.
  • There is an intention to set up a membership strategy committee, to look at membership and revenue opportunities.

Consider new Open Source Work Group charter for approval

Motion: Moved by Eve, seconded by Myisha:

Passed by unanimous consent.

Eve will inform the group sponsors of the decision.

Discuss collecting group roadmap items

The idea is to collect high-level milestones that could be packaged into PDF or slide form for the public to see, in a visually pleasing way, what work Kantara is driving towards. The request is for each of the chairs to collect up to three bullets for goals from each group, covering the next 6-8 months.

Should this be part of the quarterly report process, since it's an obvious checkpoint for looking out 6-8 months? It's at least a good schedule on which to ask chairs the question and to keep such roadmap bullets "fresh".

Consider process guideline on LC Approval of Group Reports for approval

Motion: Moved by Eve, seconded by Jeff:


Approve process guideline on LC Approval of Group Reports.

Discussion: LC approval is on the critical path for doing an all-member ballot, but going that far isn't necessary. The benefit of going only as far as LC approval is that you can get coordinated Kantara marketing communications out of the process.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Eve has revised the heading of the guideline text to indicate that it has been approved.

Events and meetings

Berlin agenda: Dervla has been working with groups to plan and fill the agenda. She has also been working on the registration page. I should be ready in a few days. The registration fees will be scaled to different attendance lengths and different attendee types, a la IIW. Several events have been stacking up in May, which is making attendance at some of them difficult. We're exploring moving the EIC summit to Friday instead of Tuesday.

Other upcoming meetings:

    • Discussions are underway to explore combining OIDF and Kantara activities colocated with the Cloud Identity Summit.
    • Also, we're looking at November in D.C. for a member meeting, and possibly a summit, in front of the Smart Card Alliance event. One consideration is the IIW scheduling near then.
    • We're working out possibilities with the Burton Catalyst schedulers (now Gartner event organizers).

Membership Recruitment and incentive package

The goal is to finalize ideas coming from the LC and turn it into a proposal for the BoT. The Membership Recruitment Incentive page contains collected ideas, but they're very informal so far. A decision on this will be tabled until the next meeting.

Joni reviewed ideas that came out of the BoT thread that would stimulate membership interest, e.g. around new cloud-related work items and their interop/harmonization implications.

Discuss moving LC call back one hour

Here is a sample time chart imagining that our next call will be at the newly proposed time. People based in Europe have been struggling with the current call time; the counter-pressure is from people based in Japan. It's also been suggested that we generally schedule the calls for 60 rather than 90 minutes. Either or both of these could be chosen.

Motion: Moved by Jeff, seconded by Eve:


Move the LC calls an hour earlier, to 21:00 GMT (at this time of year it's 1pm PT, 4pm ET, 10pm CET, 6am next day JP).

Discussion: Should we do an electronic ballot instead? We're comfortable making the decision on the call, having sought feedback from Japan-based members over the last few weeks.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Motion: Moved by Jeff, seconded by Bob:


Schedule the LC calls for 60 minutes instead of 90.

Passed by unanimous consent.

Other business

John B. announces that he is the editor of the ITU-T Open Identity Trust Framework specification! He will be looking for input from the IAWG.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 2 Mar 2011
  • Time: note that this is the new time and length! 60 minutes at 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)