LC telecon 2011-11-09

LC telecon 2011-11-09

LC telecon 2011-11-09

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2011-10-26 minutes
  3. Attribute Management DG Introduction
  4. Election
  5. Review of WG's US Fed Privacy Profile Final Recommendation
  6. Review of GSA’s Announcement regarding Kantara Initiative as a Trust Framework Provider
  7. SCA attendees' report
  8. IDDY Awards - any ideas for Deployment and Proof of Concepts to consider before we run the program 
  9. Group-specific matters
  10. Other Business
  11. Adjourn


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

  1. Identity Assurance: represented by Rich Furr
  2. Healthcare ID Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
  3. eGov WG: represented by Colin Wallis
  4. ID Assurance WG: represented by Myisha Frazier-McElveen


  1. Anna Ticktin
  2. Dervla O'Reilly
  3. Joni Brennan


  • Lara Zimberoff


  1. Attribute Management DG: represented by Sal D'Agostino
  2. Attribute Management DG: represented by Heather Flannigan


  1. Privacy & Public Policy WG: Anna Slomovic
  2. Telecommunications Identity WG: Jonas Hogberg

Roll Call


Approve 2011-10-26 minutes

Motion tabled, call not in quorum.

Attribute Management DG Introduction

Sal D'Agostino began the introduction of the Attribute Management Discussion Group by stating that it is a group for defining what attributes are. The group began by trying to be very broad, but quickly evolved and is now seeking gaps in terms of definition commonality, sources, and functions. The group has established a repository and a strong audience, and is looking forward to the work and happy to answer any questions.

Rich Furr inquired as to whether the DG is seeking or has confirmed involvement from the government, especially FICAM, or thinks it might be able to influence the government / FICAM from the industry side moving forward. Sal responded by saying yes to both questions and stated that FICAM and federal activities are part of the landscape of attributes, though the group is not quite to the government involvement level yet. Sal stated that now would be a good time to establish a relationship and that that point would be included as part of the agenda for the DG's next meeting.

Heather Flannigan stated that the DG's primary purpose is to find the gaps, and determine the framework for future work.


Anna Ticktin updated that group by stating Kantara staff needs to loop back to all nominees. Elections should be noted as remaining open at this point. As Anna hears back from the remainder of the nominees, she will be able to present an official ballot on a future call or via an e-ballot.

Review of WG's US Fed Privacy Profile Final Recommendation

Myisha Frazier-McElveen updated that group that some edits were made to the document to incorporate the reference to the guidelines from FICAM. Pete Palmer asked whether this is an item that the LC needs to take action on, to which Anna Ticktin responded that the recommendation has been approved out of the IAWG and now the LC must approve. If the LC approves, it will be up to the Kantara staff to launch an all-member ballot. Pete stated that voting should be placed on next call agenda and that quorum is required to pass the vote.

Review of GSA’s Announcement regarding Kantara Initiative as a Trust Framework Provider

Per Pete Palmer, a press release and announcement has gone out to the list.

SCA attendees' report

Per Rich Furr, the Smarcard Alliance event was very oriented to one technology  - smartcards, which is a PKI technology, and there was a fair amount of discussion about smartcards in healthcare. Deb Gallagher (sp?) made two presentations in which Kantara was cited. Joni Brennan was on at least one of the panel groups that presented on Thursday. There were between 18 and 20 people present, many of whom were fairly new to the identity management space. Myisha was also present. All in all, Rich believe more content could have been discussed, breakout sessions were excessively long, but the event provided a good glimpse into where this sector of the industry is going and it was valuable to attend.

IDDY Awards

We are researching running our Identity Award program - the IDDY Awards. We would consider holding the ceremony at the ID Collaboration Day which is in the works to be held Feb. 27 next year in San Francisco surrounding the RSA Conference.

The IDDY Award program honors deployments and proofs of concept of all identity specifications of anyone or organization that utilizes any open/standard identity technology.

Last year, we had 8 nominations - 3 Deployment, 5 Proof of Concept:
·         Winner of the Deployment category – NIH iTrust
·         Winner of the POC category – SMART UMA – Newcastle University

Currently we have one PoC entry thus far: ROLE-CENTRIC IDENTITY - Some of the participants of this effort are Entr’ Ouvert and Ubisecure - both Kantara members.

Do we have any ideas or knowledge of deployments or proofs of concepts?  Sal D'Agostino mentioned that folks from British Columbia may have something to offer. 

Group-Specific Matters

Colin reported to the LC that the eGov WG had its monthly call on Monday, and is developing a SAML profile, then completing testing to ensure its components work. The WG is in the process of reviewing that implementation profile to see if there are any other features needed. Colin stated that the eGov and the Federation Interoperability WGs are going to have to work together on this and develop some sort of profile management regime so these profiles are managed in a consistent way. Pete inquited as to where is that work going to be documented, to which Colin replied it will be documented in the eGov minutes but that he is not quite sure where this new profile will reside.

Pete Palmer reported to the LC that the HIA WG is working on a Patient ID project with eCitizen, and the WG would like to know the best way to get funding to move forward with the project. The WG is going to create a summary document of all of its projects over the last 6 years to highlight the progress it has made in an effort to make the PIDS Pilot a reality.


Pete Palmer encouraged the group to make efforts to reach quorum for the next call.


Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 7 December 2011
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)