2009-Q4 Report - User-Managed Access Work Group

Kantara Initiative UMA Work Group Report for 2009-Q4

Reporting on: 2009-Q4
Date Submitted: January 6, 2010

Group Name: User-Managed Access (UMA) Work Group

Filled Officer Positions and Names:

  • Chair: Eve Maler
  • Vice-Chair: Paul Bryan
  • Specification Editor: Paul Bryan
  • Use Cases Editor: Hasan Akram

Vacant Officer Positions and Names:

  • None

What are the current active number of:

  • Total Participants: 58 (20 more since Q3)
  • Voting Participants: 21 (3 fewer since Q3)
  • Non-Voting Participants: 37 (17 more since Q3)
  • Total Email List Subscribers: 1 as of 6 Jan 2009 (23 more since mid-Nov 2009)

Published Teleconference Frequency: weekly
Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 9 (6 quorate)

Number of Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 1
Number of Non-Quorate Physical Meetings this Quarter: 0

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 1 (revision of UMA Core Protocol V1.0)
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: In addition to revising the Core Protocol spec, the group revised the Scenarios and Use Cases document and created a new Requirements document, along with creating new explanatory materials. In Q4 an informal proposal was also made for a claim format and request-response protocol spec, which would be referenced by the core spec.

Deadlines the Group will face in the forthcoming quarter:

  • Expiration of Group Leadership (e.g. Chair): none
  • Deadlines listed in the Group Charter (e.g. duration expiration): none
  • Group-Imposed Deadlines: The WG has a goal of producing significant (if incomplete) results, along with running a status-update webinar, by the end of January, in order to maintain momentum.

Other Comments:

  • Overall participation continues to grow and diversify, as does the list of proposed use cases.
  • We have begun to track implementation interest and resources and hope to be in a position of comparing/testing multiple independent implementations within a few months.