2022-08-24 Meeting notes




See the Participant roster

Voting (5 of 9 required for quorum)

1Davis, Peter
2D'Agostino, SalvatoreYes
3Hodges, Gail
4Hughes, AndrewRegrets
5Jones, ThomasYes
6Krishnaraj, VenkatYes
7Thoma, AndreasYes
8Williams, ChristopherRegrets
9Wunderlich, JohnYes


Bill Chen

1Aronson, MarcYes
2Balfanz, DirkYes
3Chaudhury, AtefYes
4Brudnicki, David
5Dutta, Tim
6Fleenor, Judith
7Glasscock, Amy
8Gropper, Adrian
9Jordaan, LoffieYes
10LeVasseur, Lisa
11Lopez, Cristina Timon
12Snell, Oliver
13Stowell, Therese
14Tamanini, Greg
15Vachino, MariaYes
16Whysel, Noreen

Other attendees


  • Check-in on work progress
  • Review draft outline and status of writing tasks

Discussion items (AKA Agenda)


Start the meeting. Call to order, check a

Called to order at 13:05

Quorum not achieved

Minutes to Approve:

10 min.Open Tasks Review


5 min.Draft Report Discussion



20 min.Requirements Review

Reviewed 16_V_DM: Verifiers must only request the minimum data required for their transaction and discussed whether it should be merged with 06_V_PL: Verifiers must publicly state the purposes for collection See #16 for discussion notes

Other Business
A reminder that Charter Review and Leadership elections are coming up.
5 min.Adjourn

Next meeting


Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date