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15 | Agenda Setting | Introductions, IPR, Consensus Protocol - Time zone and meeting planning Scope - protocol agnostic - what are we not agnostic too? OIDC - Consent is part of the Auth Flow DiD.- identifier to attribute standards OpenID - identifier to attribute standards
Lets Scope - what is needed for an extension or an Identity Person
| Time of Calls - Signal - Chat - Agenda Flexibility
15 | Scope of AuthC | What are the use case objectives ? | |
20 | Outline | what would an extension be for OAuth | |
| Use Cases | in the Use Case, - Where to Start Simple use case - Feature - Mind Map - (what are the layeres) requirements features capabilities
Consent Profile of profiles (Profile proiject kit) non-repruidiable, non-tamper here is the profile - using these set of statements wrap the profile - but allow the bottom up choice of consent scheme ISO/MDL -add to that - does it fit the required security properties ? do we need to be agnostic do we need a preferred approach - method of approach - (project kit for interoperability)
each layer of an extension / extensible - with different overlays -
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10 | Roadmap & Actions | start considering timeline and capture key use case features /requirements and benefits Way forward many provide many credential to a service / relying party or domain. can generate an attribute for every consent and privacy agreement some trust is provided to the identity provider -
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| News | New OpenID Foundation WG -for Digital Credentials Protocol Can Digital Credential FAPI - Thornston -
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