ANCR WG 20210407

Date and Time


  • Roll
  • IPR
  • Minutes  Approval 
  • Agenda Approval
  • Intros
  • Agenda Items Discussion
    • Actions pending
    • Actions new
  • Updates from the consent community
  • AOB

Roll call

quorum: yes


@jan Lindquist

vitor jesus (Unlicensed)

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)

Salvatore D'Agostino (Unlicensed)

Paul Knowles



IRP Policy Announcement

Approve Minutes 

ANCR WG 20210317

Moved, outcome 


  • work in ToIP - usecases and implications on the definition of consent and usefulness of receipts
  • opportunity to contribute to IETF GNAP - consent management with receipts when delegating
  • rather academic discussion about what "delegation" and "trusted party" means


  • review receipt fields uploaded and test them against
    • transborder requirements
    • delegation
    • does it support outsourced receipts ("store")
    • is legally covering GDPR and other potential laws/acts/regulations
    • can we compare receipts for active state

Discussion of 

Jursidiction comments on ISO 27560,   Compare the US to EU privacy policies

Location versus jurisdiction, and digital twinning, e.g. HTS

Privacy framework vs. Terms and condition framework

Contract terms and conditions vs. Privacy rights terms and conditions.

Updating language on our part is an important next step.

Consent: A Notice Receipt Framework is something we need to pu

Revisit consent lifecycle

NGI project looking at WordPress as use case