2021-04-06 Meeting notes

2021-04-06 Meeting notes




  • ONC Meeting Recap
  • ONC Trust Registry Grant
  • NIST 800 63.4 Call for Feedback
  • NIST Standards Curricula Grant

Discussion items

ONC Meeting Recap

1) Recap of ONC Annual meeting last week and Kantara's virtual booth that was staffed by Tom, Noreen, Colin, Dr Tom, me and members of the UMA WG. 

ONC Trust Registry Grant

2) Final call for comments on the draft application Tom and Noreen have drafted for the ONC grant submittal?  Sal,  any comments to share from Kantara's EFB?  Please review again the  https://trustregistry.org  and the draft  ONC's sole source grant request: (thoughts, comments, corrections?)

Linux Foundation has a Public Health foundation. Working on a credential that is either going to be a travel or healthcare credential, but they don’t have Industry people working on it. WHO and IATA are also working on it.

Tom posted Elizabeth Reneiris’ article on the social impact of digital vaccination credentials on underserved communities and potential surveillance implications to the FIRE-WG list:


Jim is interested in possibly getting her to sit in on a call. Tom will reach out. (Elizabeth founded the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab and recently gave a webinar for Me2B Alliance on this topic).

NIST Call for Feedback SP 800 63.4

3) Jeff will lead a discussion on FIRE WG regarding  NIST's call for feedback on open issues ref SP 800 63.4  https://github.com/usnistgov/800-63-4/issues.

Requirements to strongly bind assertions to authenticated sessions at FAL

Requirements for wireless authenticators

1Differentiation of phishing-resistant authentication at AAL2

1Liveness test for remote identity proofing (proof of presence)

IAL 1 Update - Low assurance identity proofing and enrolment

Not many Kantara WG responding. Jeff Looking for a in person session to discuss hosted at NIST  Jeff will reach out to Jim ?. Tom will reach out to Justin. Jim will ask Catherine. And report feedback.

NIST Standards Curricula Grant

4) Please read  this one page NIST funding request:  I have an idea on collaborating with an Accredited Institution of Higher Education (IHE), Dr Tom's HIA WG and our FIRE WG and seek your valued input: https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2021/03/nist-announces-funding-2021-standards-curricula-development-program

Up to $75,000

Could be an opportunity for KIEF. Jim can reach out to a connection at a Medical School to serve as PI with our expertise and assistance. Application due June 1, 2021.

Old Business

Noreen went through open action items and the following from October has not been closed:

Patient Journey at EHR

https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/Patient_Journey_as_seen_by_the _Browser

Tom is updating Journey as browsers are changing

Health info exchanges are opening up to 93% of patients, but they are not able/easy to access HIE. Jim: less than 10% of patients deal with HIEs.

Immunization Information System - current use case.

Action items

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