2020-08-11 Meeting notes

2020-08-11 Meeting notes





  • news from Kantara et. al
    approval of mins
    Guardianship and Delegation, with particular focus on use in granting
    access to user COVID-19 contact data.
    ONC request for comments on patient matching.
    all other business

Discussion items

Kantara News

Kantara news:

    1. Health identity group requesting information on patients
    2. Info presented to NIST on 800.63 for pending revision, Tom sent comments

Minutes ApprovedJuly 21 FIRE minutes posted to Kantara wiki and approved


Delegation: Primary use case is guardianship, with particular focus on use in granting access to user COVID-19 contact data.

    1. https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/Delegation
    2. Catherine suggested https://openid.net/wg/heart/ is relevant, possible synch. Debbie Bucci did a presentation on how HEART works at Identiverse 2018: https://openid.net/wordpress-content/uploads/2018/07/Emerging-Standards-in-Healthcare-Identiverse-2018-06-27-rev-2.pdf
    3. Tom reviewed actors (roles) and scenarios

ONC request for comments on patient matching

ONC request for comments on patient matching.  Proposed comments form Catherine and Tom attached to a message on the Kantara FIRE WG mailing list.

  1. It is currently listed as MAY, but maybe should be MUST. 
  2. Default date for a minor child may depend on state, but would expire at age 25 when child can no longer be on a parents plan (dependent would still need to grant access after the date specified by the state when a dependents record is hidden from the parent unless permission is granted)
  1. Catherine to connect us with Direct Trust to align with what they are doing. Will be on a call with them (and HISP VaxD and Scott Hinley on August 13).
    1. Reviewed Patient matching document at 
    2. Interesting discussion of access grant expiration date. 
    3. Unclear if notification applies with an underage child or “break-the-glass” case.
    4. HISP Health Information Service Provider, an accredited network service operator, conforms with Direct Trust, but Catherine thinks they are a bit weak. No true reliant parties with this framework.
    5. GNAP Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/gnap/about/
    6. Jim and Tom will discuss with Dr Tom Sullivan at HIA WG.

all other business

No other business

Action items


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