Git Hub - Collab Process

Git Hub - Collab Process

Step-by-step guide

Some details regarding github:

* Can use either a desktop client or the web client to access the repository


* Can have either a public repository (anyone can see it, but the owner

controls what commits are accepted; free), or a private repository (only

the owner and invited collaborators can see and commit to it; paid

subscription required) —



For actual document editing:

Step one: A repository is created.

Step two: The owner of that repository adds the original, master copy of

the document (i.e., “mvcr-spec).

Step three: Individuals who want to contribute (change, add, remove)

text from the master copy creates a “fork" of the repository and after

editing, creates a pull request representing the proposed changes  This

gives them their own space within which to makes changes.  They might

call their copy “mvcr-spec-06"

Step four: The changes made to mvcr-spec-06 are “committed” back to

github, where others may review the new file, add comments or issues, or

even create a branch from that to offer their own text.

Step five: After the WG comes to consensus on a set of changes, the

forked copy will be “merged” back to the master file, and all changes

will be incorporated.  We will have a history of what changed, and can

run a diff to highlight those changes at any point in time in the future.

Step six: After a new master file is created, based on merging the pull

requests back into the master, the WG chair or the WG editor should

create a copy on the Kantara wiki.


For issue tracking:

* This might be used to help keep track of suggestions that come out of

the call, and could serve as a way to make sure we have properly and

publicly responded to the issues and comments received, and indicate in

which version of the spec those comments were addressed


* We can decide upon a set of labels (e.g., diagram, use-case,

technical, editorial) to help structure the list of issues.


* Note that anyone can create and view issues on free public

repositories; only teammates and collaborators can create and view

issues on private repositories


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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