UMA Dev telecon 2016-06-22
UMA Dev telecon 2016-06-22
Date and Time
- Wed Jun 22 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm UK / 7pm CET
- Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 (international dial-in lines), room code 178-2540#
- Screen sharing: - NOTE: IGNORE the dial-in line shown here in favor of the dial-in info above (Kantara "line C" and the Skype line)
- Action item status
- OXD happenings
- Cataloguing existing open source
- CCICADA white paper
We're getting desperate regarding the TurboBridge bounced-numbers situation. What are other options?
- OTTO switched to GoToMeeting (Gluu's account). Mike is willing to donate the GTM line.
- UMA and UMA Dev are using Thomas Hardjono's kindly donated account. We could use the associated dial-in/VOIP, except that it doesn't come with a Linux client.
- What about cycling through free trials of various other options, such as Zoom and BlueJeans (assuming they have them)?
- Eve has a OneVoice account she may be able to offer.
- Send Eve email if you're inclined to donate a dial-in.
AI: Eve: schedule our meeting times to continue, every two weeks, using Mike's GTM. Thanks!!!!!
Action item roundup
Marcos created a new Slack team. Thanks!
Cataloguing atricore and other open source out there
Marcos reports: "I did take a look at atricore's uma module, and have sent an email asking the developer if it is being used in prod, and if there are plans to update to 1.0.1. Haven't heard back yet."
What we really need to do is something like a catalog that gives advice about what would be found at that third-party source – e.g., if atricore is V1.0 only, we could say that, and point to the UMA release notes in case someone wants to update to a higher version. OpenID Connect has this Libraries, Products, and Tools page, but it could be seen as misleading because the quality of anything pointed to could vary by a lot.
Let's steal away the Implementations page maintenance from the UMA WG. Maciej could maintain it here. We'd want to advertise to anyone with an implementation of any sort that we'll list their implementation, if they just answer a few questions, like:
- What version is it at?
- Do they have any production deployments?
- If open source, what's the license? Link to project/distro?
- Description of the functionality, UMA entity roles covered, targeted use cases, etc.
- Links
- Contact information and whether it's supported
- Have they profiled or extended UMA?
- Native or third-party OAuth and OIDC implementations?
AI: Eve: Tell the UMA WG about this and point the old Implementations page to a new page on the Dev wiki.
AI: Maciej: Construct a better newer Implementations area on the Dev wiki.
The UMA part of Gluu's OXD is done. It's a mediator (if not a real proxy), providing convenience APIs. So now they're making an integration test tool. There's both a sample RS and a sample "RP" (client), and both could be hosted anywhere. It's looking like nice work.
CCICADA effort
Kantara Identity and Privacy Incubator (KIPI) is now what the program is being called from the KI side.
We're concerned that the KIPI approach to conformance efforts is a bit too early, and a bit too much of a time sink for Eve at the moment compared to its immediate value.
- Eve
- Adrian
- Marcos
- Mike
- Maciej
- Sal