User Terms Brainstorm and Scope

User Terms Brainstorm and Scope

User terms: brainstorm on tasks and scope:

  • User Terms name

    • "allowable uses"
    • "user submitted terms"
    • "terms of engagement"
    • "term negotiation"
    • Testing with user groups? marketing? who is our target?
    • potential for user terms to specify the kind of consent receipt they want?

  • UX / Product
    • work with end-users to determine means, understand and product market fit
    • work with parties who might offer user terms or receive user terms and respond
      • Commercial interest motivations for interactions with using system – making the commercial case
    • develop human readable language for each term name, definition
    • develop human meaning and pathways for choosing, reviewing and changing a term choice from MVP
    • Design beginnings: http://customercommons.org/2014/10/27/customer-commons-and-user-submitted-terms/
    • Define sensitive info?
  • Legal scope:
    • legal descriptions for each term
    • name and definition for each term
    • legal language for contract if terms offered and accepted

  • Engineering scope:
    • develop MVP scope for eng
    • machine readable description of each term
    • expression for names and definitions of terms
    • code or expression for sending and receiving a short list of terms
    • code for responding to a term request
    • Interaction with MVP CR

  • MVP
    • DNT? No 3rd party cookies / trackers? - Doc
    • Will we need some reply – consent receipts? - John
    • What about a DNT that is much more personal? - Doc
    • So "Block, and here are my prefs" - Mark
    • Whitelisting but personally held instead of centrally held - Doc
    • Place where terms live: MVP standard at CC and pointed to from Kantara / CISWG - Doc and Mary
    • Place where terms live for individual: local to user or is a blockchain for individual - Mary and Scott
      • Ex: when publishing a photo, the CC license and photo can be out in the world.. you just have the signal - Doc
      • Downside of broadcasting intent about terms may not work in all contexts - user prefs may not work in all instances, probably won't - Mark
      • Can we keep both contextual? - Mark
      • Where is the line for MVP and contextual? - Mary
      • Terms make more sense in the aggregate - Mark
    • Can't get stuck in worrying that server side can't yet respond, and yet there are some server side activities that want to respond but don't know how - Doc
    • Retail: shopping cart abandonment - John and Iain.. MVP could help
    • Some publishers are ready to drop 3rd party cookies and tracking immediately - Doc

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