UMA Dev telecon 2016-08-17

UMA Dev telecon 2016-08-17

Date and Time


  • Implementations roundup work
  • Work on the new Implementations page
    • Original Implementations page here
  • AOB


Adrian notes that his HIE of One project, implemented by practicing physician Michael Chen in Portland OR, has now switched from a MITREid Connect UMA implementation to a de novo implementation. Adrian will send Dr. Chen the questionnaire and ask him to fill it out. He already has an open-source EHR system (NOSH) in actual use for simple cloud concierge medicine use cases, and recently added a patient-centric health record system and UMA sharing flows. Let's also ask him about his experience implementing UMA; he might be able to join our call two weeks hence.

Gluu is releasing oxD for OIDC, and then is re-focusing on UMA. 

The next step for getting the page filled out properly is to find an owner/victim for filling out the questionnaire for each existing entry in the old page:

  • Eve for ForgeRock
  • Mike for Gluu
  • Eve for Jericho
  • Eve to ask Justin for MITREid Connect
  • Eve to ask Roland for his implementation
  • Eve to ask Maciej for the old Newcastle University SMART Project and Synergetics implementations
  • Eve to find her Twitter pal for the Universidad de Alcalá implementation
  • Eve to ask Andrew Johnston for the TELUS implementation (unless they don't want it listed?)
  • Mike to ask Gianluca Brigandi from atricore for their implementation (or try to fill it out separately?)

Adrian is working to rope W3C in on UMA efforts when it comes to "Verifiable Claims" work. He's trying to interest a Community Group there to do a self-sovereign identity demo involving UMA and verifiable claims. This goes right back to our notion, first sketched by Domenico, of trusted claims presented by Bob in response to the need of Alice's AS to elevate trust in him; he would have UMA protection over his claims just as she has UMA protection over her resources (think "UMA-protected UserInfo endpoint). Also see Adrian's Blockchain Health paper and Adrian's session from the last IIW. W3C will be coming in force to the next IIW.

(Eve can't come to the next IIW! But it's in a good cause; she's speaking at EWF.)


  • Eve, Adrian, Mike