Weekly Meeting 2013 02 12 Notes

Weekly Meeting 2013 02 12 Notes

Information Sharing Work Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Tuesday, 12 February 2013
  • Time: 12:30pm PT | 3:30pm EST | 8:30pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call
    • Skype: +99051000000481
    • US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
    • UK Dial-In: +44-20-3137-5285
    • Conference ID: 178-2540
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Iain Henderson



  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that with 2 voting member in attendance, quorum was not met. Joe sent an email to Bob Kost asking about his continued involvement.

2. Motions


3. Prior Action Item Review

  1. Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site
  2. Joe to write up Use Case discussion
  3. Joe: Create an examples section on website and give Iain access
  4. Iain to publish latest standard label example to Kantara wiki, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
  5. Joe: publish v.0.5
  6. Joe: follow up with Yeryeong about design stuff

4. Looking ahead

Use Cases

There are at least four different use cases under development for the label. Let's get these documented in the form of a short title, and a brief paragraph, at a minimum.

  1. Notice & Consent Trust Framework (Real Me)
  2. Required Notice (Japan)
  3. Voluntary Notice (Proactive Websites)
  4. User Agent Labeling – Browser (Amicus)
  5. User Device Labeling (Magic Wand)

Let's see if there are any others to support and get a one paragraph description of each into a proper Use Case document we can publish.

Work Plan & Work Breakdown Structure
  1. 1.0 Specification (published as Kantara Report, ready for submission to SDO process)
    1. Written Spec Doc
      1. Use Cases
      2. Visual Spec
      3. Content Spec
        1. Term Titles
          1. Order
          2. Description / Meaning
        2. Valid Terms
        3. Default Terms
      4. Data Spec
        1. Schema
        2. Embedding/Linking Mechanisms
        3. ??
    2. Implementations
      1. Website Helper (StandardLabel.org)
      2. Browser Plugin (Amicus)
      3. Open Data Repository (StandardLabel or Amicus)
      4. Others??
        1. RealMe?
        2. Japan?
    3. Website
      1. Roadmap
      2. How to contribute
      3. FAQ
    4. Standardization Plan
      1. New Charter
      2. New IPR? (e.g., Is our current IPR compatible with OpenID?)
      3. Target SDO
      4. Liason / Sponsor / Sponsoring Committee


4. Old Business

Been busy. Slacking a bit at year end. Let's focus on getting the Label plan in place and under way.

5. New Business

Open Data Hackathon Day


Let's reach out and host a virtual hackathon (with participating venues if we can get them).

Standard Label Stuff:


  1. Label Hacking
    1. Draft Labels for major websites using Google Docs to document (with citations, etc.)
    2. Convert Labels to JSON
    3. Get 'em working in the current plugin
  2. Label Editor
    1. Pure html/javascript to make it easy to create Labels
  3. Label Repository
    1. Open Data repository (wikipedia style community editing of labels)
  4. Plugin Update (especially user-configuration stuff)
  5. Reputation Services
    1. Links to existing services (Mozilla Privacy Icons)
    2. New service (Cake is a Lie, or whatever)


Depending on what momentum we can get in physical venues, maybe we just plan on synchronizing to check in throughout the day with progress and collaborative sessions on what we've got done.  Even just building out a Google Doc with a few more real-world Labels would be a huge benefit.


6. Action Items Review
  1. Joe: Draft Two Use Cases (paragraph). Due 2013/02/15
  2. Iain: Draft One Use Case (paragraph). Due 2013/02/15
  3. Joe: Draft Web Page for Open Data Day Hackathon. Due 2013/02/13
  4. Joe: Send collaboration invitation to
    1. ISWG list
    2. Open Notice
    3. Project VRM
    4. Kantara LC list
    5. PDEC Startup Circle
    6. Personal Clouds

Future To-Dos (so we don't lose them)

  1. Joe: Draft expanded http://standardlabel.org site
  2. Joe to write up Use Case discussion
  3. Joe: Create an examples section on website and give Iain access
  4. Iain to publish latest standard label example to Kantara wiki, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
  5. Joe: publish v.0.5
  6. Joe: follow up with Yeryeong about design stuff

7. Next Meeting

Tuesday, 19 February - 60 minutes
Time: 4:30pm PT | 7:30pm EST | 12:30am UK