2015-06-01 Meeting Notes
2015-06-01 Meeting Notes
Jun 01, 2015
Report/Review on the technical work: Creating a Consent Receipt Generator for Scenario’s
Work on and review the MVCR Use Case. - The first scenario - stage 1
Quotes for the Demonstrator: (we need a use case first but lets set a time frame)
- We discussed and agreed the need to focus on getting a minimal viable consent receipt (MVCR = Consent Receipt Standard v 1.0) out the door as below, and to ensure that all other work that is not directly required by MVCR be acknowledged as such, and noted to be working toward subsequent versions.
- We all agreed that we want to get the first MVCR use case out and implemented on the CISWG wiki.
- In parallel we will work on the core data format; a sub-set of which is required for MVCR.
- We went through the fields, we all have homework to review and develop the MVCR use case.
- Aim to have the MVCR implemented the beginning of July, delivering consent receipts to new people signing up on the Kantara CISWG membership and mailing list
Action Items
- @iain list of data types,
- Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) to discuss with Oliver quoting on the work for CISWG, with a consent receipt generator