2016-04-11 MVCR Meeting Notes
Apr 11, 2016
@Iain Henderson
We reviewed agenda and moved the specification edit forward.
Discussed the consentreceipt.org website and collaborating on moving it to a new template. discussed budget and changing the scope of work implementation from Real Consent to consentreceipt.org using the wp plugin.
Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) to talk to Oliver
Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) get quotes and iainh1 NA (Unlicensed) help with brief for website and stickman intro (maybe we can create in a WP header?)
@mark to edit spec this week and Mark Lizar (Unlicensed) to work on Kantara Implementation Use case
Next Ad-Hoc Call to clean up the wiki and materials - 7pm EST Thursday.
we reviewed the agenda
- editors update
- Real Consent Update
- Budget Update
- MVCR liability (added item)
MVCR Editor Updates - 10 min
v0.8 v1 draft Edit Review Update
After and during the call we talked about the next steps for the work focus and the result this week is a plan being is to provide the MVCR as a single normalised consent receipt profile. With the v0.8 specification featuring this normalised MVCR conformance profile.
Should we create a link to the MVCR conformance profile in appendix and create another document for explicit and compliant consent receipts as MVCR V2?
Liability - This is a big issue. Talk with Scott about this.
Talked with Heather, and she is not available to edit until May, but will help if she can.
Real Consent Update
—> Update on Real Consent - We have done a lot of work with two workshops delving into Real Consent, with another Real Consent Workshop planned for May 27th. An new post on last workshop due imminently.
Some of the juicy core Marketing/CR outputs were:
a) Consent Communication: ( and Consistent Open Consent) The MVCR - for online consent receipts (provides proof of consent) (see the requirements for the MVCR conformance profile)
b) Dynamic Consent - changing consent preferences after consent provided (or turning on and off permissions for secondary purpose(s))
c) Consent By Design - marketing focused considerations - see Real Consent & Design materials, (coming soon on consentreceipt.org link here)
if we could put some thought into the benefits you want to promote as a WG this would help.
Interesting Use Case Perspective on the CR
consent receipts for the interoperability of me. Putting people at the centre of consent. In the access and permission loop at the point of consent. At the moment people need to log into dozens of service providers to try and be inter-operable with everyone. At the moment Its the responsibility of the customer to make sure All the T&C’s and different systems work together, and still we can’t manage our consent ourselves.
Consent receipt should fundamentally be about providing a tool for transparency and communication over consent. As a result the consent receipt holds two natural technical promises, 1. to provide people with transparency with a receipt for proof of consent and 2. the communication channel to manage that consent dynamically. Potentially freeing people from the burden of having to manage consent with each provider, one provider at a time. But on a more deeper level, to enable people to control consent and participate independently, autonomously so that consent and our choices are meaningful.
The benefits of consent framework are numerous for people
1. people can be autonomous and control consent independently (out of band or side band)
2. people can use receipt to help manage consent independently of org
Consent Receipt is A Framework for Consent so
3. people have control and can trust in the use of identity and the service provider
4. Innovation: people can submit their own terms - point to their own profiles, - separate their attributes from their profiles - create data licenses and smart contracts with consent records and the like.
The consent receipt spec is intended to make things interoperable - to make a common audit log for the consent, notice, access, and control authorization intersection, (IMO so as to enable the internet of me (under my control.)
Budget Update
- Budget Update: Budget Awarded
- Budget Breakdown:
- Drop item 2 in the Scope of work
- Additional Budget item - website + Hosting £600 (two options)
- take existing consent receipt website, host the domain by itself at godaddy for 3 years and put a video and guidance out on this website
- Budget item - short video
- 30 sec - video to demonstrate what a consent receipt is
- budget item - Design of website front page £100 +
- Real Consent - Workshop Sponsorship - £300 an event to Open Consent Group - Sponsorship partnership with PDTN - inlcude series of 4 workshops, plus promotion of Kantara and the CIS WG in the UK/EU.
- £600 in Travel
- £2200 -
- £5300 left in the budget for spec dev and implementation
- look at updating the Consent Receipt Generator and JSON Ref APPENDIX (and use CRG for consent receipt.org as an implementation demo - instead of real consent)
- Develop Content Receipt Implementation Guidance & Posts/Content