2015-06-29 Meeting Notes


Jun 29, 2015



  • Discussion primarily on marketing of the Consent Receipt and the project

Discussion Items


Action Items

  • Heather updating spec documentation through next week
  • We discussed whether we need to market on both www.consentreceipt.org and www.kantarainitiative.org/consentreceipt. We felt that we needed both, as they would have largely distinct audiences.  For now we decided to  focus just on the website.
  • Mark to ask ISOC if they are willing to fund hosting of www.ConsentReceipt.org (on the basis of prior discussion) so that we can add SSL
  • Alexander: We should move the generator to api.consentreceipt.org in order to leave the main domain for content (Alexander)
  •  Alexander: can weinstall Wordpress on www.consentreceipt.org  for marketing
  • Site content should include: Home page, What is a Consent Receipt, how to use the API, Blog
  • Different versions (to include stand alone, no third party),  need to be added to roadmap
  • Mark: Add to roadmap writing instructions
  • We need  to write the instructions Mark Add to roadmap - Use case for privacy protected 2-party consent receipt (Bob and Alice only, no calls to any third parties) (aka spec version 1.1)
  • Iain to draft web site content plan (Google Doc or similar)
  • John writing blog post on how to make a consent receipt
  • Need to draft a wikipedia description
    Mark to attempt to clean up work-group wiki, if time permits; but main focus on www.consentreceipt.org
  •  Â