2014-03-03 eGov Meeting Minutes

Date and Time

Date: 3. Mar 2014

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ(+1)

Role Call


  • Rainer Hörbe
  • Keith Uber
  • Derrick Brown, Tellus
  • Colin Wallis
  • Sue Kemp
  • Ken Dagg


  • Thomas Gundel
  • Denny Prvu


1. Administration

Non-quorate call - no approval of minutes

Voting for Leadership of Working Group not possible during call. Will do as private ballot, announcement and instructions via the mailing list.


2. Presentation - A model for Privacy-enhanced Federated Identity Management

Rainer presented in detail EUSTIX model for Privacy-enhanced Federated Identity Management

No audio recording available due to technical issue.

Slides http://de.slideshare.net/rhoerbe1/2014-0303-pefim-model 

AP Colin: Why haven't virtual anonymous credit cards been visible commercial success?

Pseudonymous mail service - PO Box are pseudonymous

Service Broker does not need to store any user attributes - one way hash is adequate

Consent service must store consent decisions

Model can be applied to SAML BAE - SAML with Backend Attribute Exchange

Attribute Query (AQ) could be used based on the same techniques

OpenID Connect also should work.

Pilot under construction, demo April 2004 in Vienna.


EUSTIX is a business development platform and does not have a lot of government involvement.

It is for companies doing identity federation - to “meet here and make federations”

A common rule book, common design principles

Localise protocols and policies



3. AOB

Kantara plenary in planning for the weeked before the European ID Conference. http://www.id-conf.com 


Next Meeting  

Date and Time

Date: 7. Apr 2014

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


To join the teleconference 

Skype:  +99 051 000 000 481 
Conference Id: 613-2898 
US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350  
