Weekly Meeting 2013 03 17 Notes

Weekly Meeting 2013 03 17 Notes

Information Sharing Work Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Tuesday  Mar 5  : 12:30 pm PDT, 7:30pm EDT
  • Wednesday Mar 6 : 7:30am UK, 4:30am JT, 8:30am NZT
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call
    • Skype: +99051000000481
    • US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
    • UK Dial-In: +44-20-3137-5285
    • Conference ID: 178-2540
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Iain Henderson
  • Andrew Hughes



  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. Continuing Business
    1. Label Redesign
  5. New Business
    1. PII
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that with 2 voting members in attendance, quorum was not met. 

2. Motions


3. Prior Action Item Review

  1. Joe: Incorporate the NE Moves / Coldwell Banker label into the demo
  2. Joe: publish v.0.5 (sync with Demo)
  3. Joe: Compile use cases into a single doc
  4. Joe: Follow up with Valeska O'Leary AGAIN DONE

4. Continuing Business

Label Redesign

Joe started work on a redesign effort, built on the insight that there are four parts to the label:

  1. the Recipient
  2. the Data
  3. the Data use & Management
  4. the Authorities

There's a Google Doc for us to use as a sandbox for reimagining the label. Email joe@switchbook.com for an invite.


Joe suggested we might adopt a vertically tabbed interface with each of those four tabs so people can quickly click through if they want the details–rather than presenting all the terms at once.  We didn't have much time to discuss it as we spent the bulk of the hour working on the PII panel suggestion.


5. New Business


Theme of PII is Building Trust in the Digital Age


  1. Who is going to be there?
  2. What is the label doing (benefits)
    1. Transparency
    2. Choice
    3. Avoiding Click-through irrelevance (Mitigating Pavlov)

Are the labels just visual communication?

In many industries, a standard label has been developed to assure clear, consistent communication in complex situation. Hazardous materials. Electrical. Nutrition.

Is it only for websites?

Is it clickable?

Is it visual?

  1. Visual Elements
  2. Interactive
  3. Data Model
  4. Auto-Negotiation


Open Source Tools

  1. Create a label
  2. Render a label

Open Data

  1. Repository

Panel Ideas


Panel Representatives



Third Party

Consent & Confidence

versus Surveillance and Creepy

Label is a distillation of the contract

A way to express that in an indicative way, representing it as well as it can, given the context.

IDEA:Title that would bring everyone in:

"Monetization of personal information through the use of standardized information sharing labels."

Andrew is going to do a quick write up for Iain and Joe to review and revise. We'll circulate that to Nat & Colin (who might be on the panel) and also to the group mailing list once it's a bit more polished.

Deadline FRIDAY.

6. Action Items

  1. Joe: Incorporate the NE Moves / Coldwell Banker label into the demo
  2. Joe: publish v.0.5 (sync with Demo)
  3. Joe: Compile use cases into a single doc
  4. Joe: Follow up with Valeska O'Leary (Again)

Future To-Dos (so we don't lose them)

  1. Joe to write up Use Case discussion DONE
  2. Joe: Create an examples section on website and give Iain access
  3. Iain to publish latest standard label example to Kantara wiki, Joe to upload current version (label v 0.2)
  4. Joe: publish v.0.5

7. Next Meeting

60 minutes 

  • Tuesday  Mar 12 : 12:30 pm PDT, 3:30pm EDT, 8:30pm UK
  • Wednesday Feb 13: 5:30am JT, 8:30pm NZDT