Use case "Runaway dog" draft (Ingo Friese)

Use case "Runaway dog" draft (Ingo Friese)


I’d like to give another use case today. I call it “The runaway dog”. This use case might be controversial because it’s about object ID’s that are not direct connected to the internet.


Today pets/animals are often tagged somehow. In Germany for example you can bring an RFID(?) tag under the skin of your cat or dog. The tag is registered at a private company (e.g. tasso.net)

When the pet runs away and is found by someone it can be identified and brought back to its owner.

The use case is not new and there are different solutions running already.

But the idea is to re-use the tag also for plenty of other services if the owner agrees on. Government could use the tag for checking whether the pet has vaccination or whether the tax was paid.

You can imagine a GEO fencing services for example or a kitty door: It just opens when the right cat wants to come in.

Do you want to put another Chip inside your pet for every service? No instead we should reuse the first one.

For re using the chip there are several side conditions:

Authorization / Access control

The owner needs to decide and technology to enforce who (which service) is able to use the chip of my cat? There might be many attributes / information linked to the chip (not necessarily stored on it). We need access control to this information.

Mapping / Addressing

If you have a web-service running and you want to deal with pet RFID chips your need a mapping.

If you want to check the vaccination you take the number and ask a mapping/discovery service for the location of the database that knows more about it.





Runaway dog scenario in detail

Tasso is a non-profit association. The owner of a pet can register his animal there. The pet gets a RFID chip implanted. The RFID Number is then linked with the address of the owner.

If the dog runs away and is found e.g. a veterinarian can read the RFID code. When he gives this code to Tasso they can inform the pet owner.


(Identity) owner


owner of the object

dog owner


The registration happens manually. A Tasso veterinarian associates the RFID with a certain owner/pet   


(When the dog runs away) Another veterinarian scans the RFID number


The RFID has an identifier (RFID-ID). When Tasso decides to use this RFID they put the RFID-ID in their namespace. When the veterinarian asks another service provider for this RFID-ID there will be no result.


No authentication / Someone could put the RFID chip into another animal


No authorization /everyone can read the RFID chip


A policy decision takes places manually with in Tasso. They decide whether the owner is called or they provide the phone number according to the “policy” of the owner.