Informal notes from Trust Framework Trustmark group call
1:00-2:00PM US Eastern time
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Salvatore D'Agostino
- @ Jim Kragh
- Others? Not captured in Notes
- Discuss TFTM Past and TFTM Future
Discussion items
IDEF Registry website - Transfer of the site was also previously discussed at a Leadership Committee meeting. Former user (Deleted) and team are working to finish the site, then Former user (Deleted) will be in charge of effectuating the transfer of the domain, obtaining the digital certificate, etc. Jim Kragh said that the goal was to have it ready by next Tuesday. He suggested that during next week's call we review the site and conduct a formal assessment / acceptance of it with some form of official sign-off. Sal and Jim both noted that we will need to assess the gaps after completion of phase 2, including improvements to the back end, scope out internal resources, determining capacity, etc., and prepare a new specifications/gap document. We'll have a better picture of everything 30 days from now.
Jim K. is also working on getting a grant. He also wants to ensure that there is continuity and integrity in the site development/maintenance process.
Former user (Deleted) said that we'll have to promote the Registry and build up the number of registrants. We'll need to plan/budget/task someone for the role of concierge and we'll also need to plan on how we'll evolve the Registry into a third-party assessment scheme. Jim suggested that we contact existing registrants, and instead of just not just saying, "come update your information," that we promote the overall game plan.
IDEF WG Charter - Salvatore D'Agostino noted that whatever happens with the Charter, the group will have to prioritize what we take on, consistent with the Charter. The revisions to the draft charter will be through a process that is transparent. A draft is located here IDEF Work Group Charter revised 2018-08-29. Edits and suggestions can be posted online. Everyone is strongly urged to review the draft charter and make suggestions as necessary. The goal is to have a charter that is a good, reasonable umbrella for what was the IDESG, but nothing more. We'll need to work out the details of managing multiple threads, groups, efforts, etc. as we go along. Martin Smith (Unlicensed) had dropped off the call, so we'll need to follow up with him to get his thoughts on this and his position with regard to the state of the draft charter. Once it is ready we should present it to the Leadership Council a week in advance of their meeting for their consideration.
Action items
- Former user (Deleted) will urge participants to review and comment on the draft charter