DRAFT 2016-11-02 Meeting Notes
DRAFT 2016-11-02 Meeting Notes
The list of attendees as extracted from the google doc here: http://tinyurl.com/jp34k8c
Andi Hindle
andrew at hindleconsulting.com
Andrew Hughes
andrewhughes3000 at gmail.com
Catherine Schulten
catherine.schulten at lifemedid.com
Chris Adriaensen
chris.adriaensen at forgerock.com
George Dobbs
gdobbs at massmutual.com
George Fletcher
Ian Glazer
iglazer at salesforce.com
Megan Cannon
mcannon at virtualmgmt.com
Sarah Squire
sarah at engageidentity.com
Scott Shorter
scott.shorter at kuma.pro
Shannon Taylor
staylor at virtualmgmt.com
Stuart Lincoln
stu at stulincoln.com
Tim Lackey
- Administrative Business
- ID Pro Timeline reminder
- Open Discussion of Survey Results
Discussion Items
- Continuation of discussion on Question 4
- 16 weeks to go until RSA! Still on track
- Ballot is open now until November 4
- Please start signalling your interest in different project areas - we want to get up to speed rapidly!
- Slide 20
- Previous meeting we discussed items 1-3
- We need to dive a bit deeper in to mechanisms for networking
- Take to the list for discussion
- "Library" topic
- Should the content be created/commissioned by the organization? or pointers to external sources?
- Q: Need a combination
- Have a request mechanism to ask for subject areas to be covered
- There must be a good taxonomy/structure
- Must be curation function to ensure quality
- Q: I'd prefer a community fashion, so you could accept donations but maybe let them run through a validation by other members of the community.
- Q: Maybe wrap them up as a 'publication' each year for members?
- Other orgs publish around specific topics - call for contributions then publish/event on it
- Need to address access/subscription - e.g. analyst reports - good to know about but not all can get them
- Need to address how to deal with Vendor content - marketing versus practice advice
- Q: Need to decide if publication is to be a revenue stream?
- There is preliminary interest from some publishers to create a trade publication for 'Identity'
- Scholarly articles?
- Magazine?
- Conference proceedings?
- Be very cautious about closing ourselves off from the broader world by standing up paywalls and other restrictions
- "Standard Body of Knowledge" topic
- This is one of the hallmarks for a professionalized group of practitioners
- 1st step is to define 'Domains' to be elaborated
- Can we come to consensus in a project team about the top 1 or 2 levels of a taxonomy by February launch announcements?
- What relative priority is this item?
- Must consider who the audience is intended to be
- Inward to 'technical' ID Pros?
- External to technical people in adjacent sectors who are not yet ID Pros?
- Knowledge that is useful to senior executive making business decisions?
- Should start with a glossary
- Must be practical
- Must decide approach to this first
- Document versus Define approaches
- "Code of Practice" topic
- Code of Practice is a good outward message to others that we understand the broader impacts of our practices
- Q: is the code of practice for "Digital ID Pros" or "the use of Digital ID"?
- Must consider if we want a self-enforced code? or push our views to non-members? must be pragmatic
- How should we or should we deal with apparent violations of the code?
- Need to tread carefully and work out the downstream impacts
- "Certification Program" topic
- Great thing to aim for over time
- There are other things that have to be in place before this
- Fills a gap
- Has to be kept current
- Avoid selling the certification versus the attestation of the individual's capabilities
- If we go all-in on certification we have to consider the depth of process and administration - should probably get international standards body to certify that we are doing it 'right'
- This is not a critical path topic
- Ian to propose modifications to meeting times and cadence to increase attendance opportunity
- Next meeting
- Vice-Chair and Secretary ballot results
- Start discussion of project areas and sub-assignments
Action Items
, multiple selections available,