UMA Dev telecon 2016-03-16

UMA Dev telecon 2016-03-16

Date and Time


  • New conformance program idea through CCICADA
  • New ideas for seeding the ecosystem
  • How to proceed in the WG: meetings?
  • AOB


New conformance program idea through CCICADA

The Kantara CCICADA partnership has a new possibility for us. The process for putting in a white paper to request funding is documented here. There's an application form, which involves putting together a fair amount of text, and the white paper itself.

The very first question might be: Do we want to think this "big"? There would be other questions beyond this if we're interested, regarding the resources to develop the initial proposal, the resources to oversee the rollout of the conformance program, and so on.

The end goal of the CCICADA program is "commercialization" of the project results. Mike just submitted a white paper for this program himself (here's his blog entry serving as his submission), so he's familiar with the process. Even for Kantara to run and operate a conformance program would be a commercial benefit, Mike points out!

The very next step might be to draft a white paper along these lines and get their feedback. As long as we find the right path through our case, it seems worthwhile.

Note that the conditions for such a funded project include that DHS asks for a license to whatever code instance is delivered at each phase of the project (which in our case might just open-source test suite?). People should be aware of this. We haven't yet submitted a proposal, of course.

AI: Eve: Close our GitHub repo; add us back one by one; and start a document we can use to work on our candidate white paper.

New ideas for seeding the ecosystem

There's an urgent need for very simple "Hello, world" examples of RS and client code that can work with an AS sandbox. Gluu already has much of this, though tuned to the enterprise API job. The request was for Java and node.js, with a downvote on Python. Sal can offer "developer eyes" for review.

Mike notes that any code provided still has to rest on a base of OAuth at a minimum, and ideally OIDC. And devs tend to get tripped up on JWKS.

AI: Those with open-source implementations: Check on simplifying existing RS and client libraries if they have them, exposing them in friendly fashion, promoting AS sandboxes, and making available new AS sandboxes.

We should also think about grad student competitions and hackathons.

How to proceed in the WG: meetings?

We seem willing to have a fortnightly meeting to discuss and push forward all of our new topics (at least those of us on the call think so).

AI: Eve: Check on the fortnightly meeting idea and schedule it if it will work.


  • Eve
  • Maciej
  • Sal
  • Mike


  • Jamie
  • Katie