2014-12-04 - MVCR - Meeting Notes
2014-12-04 - MVCR - Meeting Notes
Dec 04, 2014
- iainh1 NA (Unlicensed) apologies
- Former user (Deleted) - call connection problems
For 1/2 hour meeting
- We reviewed the grant request, added proofed read it for mistakes,
- discussed the process for Spec v06 - John is working on this and specifying the fields this weekend
- John is going to update wire frame design - created in August as well
- We will review and comment via email
- Mark will then take this and the questions and model them for review and revision for dev brief
- Dev Brief can then b passed to Dev for cost
- Mark take wireframes to a designer for a mockup for brief to dev
- Review brief
- with brief reviewed we can then take comments and build wireframes to finish brief with
- Add these to the brief then pass reviewed brief to developer
- From here dev plan is to get final design assets made and passed to developer for Alpha
- We will review and comment via email
, multiple selections available,