2015-08-31 Meeting Notes
2015-08-31 Meeting Notes
Aug 31, 2015
- Next steps
- Git Hub Wiki - Mark
- human readable version that people can comment on .
- invite people to comment
- with purpose and data type is the appendix
- Create a complete issues list for reviewing in meetings and schedule issues per meeting
- We can start
- Website - Iain will work on
- Ask oliver make consent receipt buttong for website wtih Mailchimp
- API - Update to version 7 with remaining funds
- ISO input - Mark preparing comments but doing so late. will submit to lsit and ISO once finished
UMA Legal Sub Work Group: looking at making a consent receipt to UMA interesting to see where the cross overs are. This is going on on Fridays if anyone wants to join.
- Tabled
- For version v0.8 we discussed the need for a registry and a consent receipt veiwer. these need to be tabled for furtehr discussion
- Iain Provided a visual overview (attahed)CR Status 31st Aug 2015.pptx
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action Items
, multiple selections available,