2015-11-09 CISWG -Meeting Notes-Quarrate

2015-11-09 CISWG -Meeting Notes-Quarrate


Nov 09, 2015


Quorate with 4out of 7


  1.  New Items
  2. Minutes Approval
    1. july 30 

      July 13
  3. Quarterly Report
    1. Iain
  4. WG Scope Discussion 
    1. Does Charter Need Updating
    2. tabled pending quarterly reports and better project descriptions 
  5. Voting For Work Group Leadership
    1. SECTION 4.10:  Term of WG Chair

      The term of the elected WG Chair is one year.

      At least one month prior to the end of the current term, the Chair must call for nominations for

      Chair and conduct a WG ballot of all WG Participants.  There is no restriction on the same

      individual serving as WG Chair for two or more consecutive terms.

      The Leadership Council may initiate a re-confirmation ballot of a WG chair at any time based on

      the written request of three (3) or more members of the WG.  If this reconfirmation vote fails,

      the LC Chair shall conduct a WG election to select a new Chair for the WG.

      you can download the operating procedures


  6. CISWG - Group Event - MIT Future of Commerce Hackathon  Nov 20-22, - "Consent as the Future ofCommerce” - (Thursday at 9pm)  -Is Consent & Information the Future of Commerce? 
    1. Consent Hackathon Meeting on Thurs 12 Nov 
  7. CISWG Call Schedule Planning - time decided for Mon , at  9-10,  UKTime 

Action: Quarterly report? - Iain
Action: Voting rules = Ask Joni - Mark





Discussion Items


Action Items
