2015-03-12 Meeting Notes
Mar 12, 2015
- Iain
- John
Roll Call
Accept Minutes
motion: to approve the posting of the current MVCR 0.6 spec for IPR Review.
Marketing - @kantaraCISWG
Action Items
Discussion Items
Roll Call
Call not at quorum.
Accept Minutes
Motion: to approve the posting of the current MVCR 0.6 spec for IPR Review.
- Cannot make the motion to approve; call not at quorum
- AI: Mary to review the current master copy of the spec and offer
corrections through github
- Note that the spec is now moving away from the term "Minimum Viable"
and moving that to a use case
- Kantara will not likely offer funding for a demonstrator
Marketing - @kantaraCISWG
- Blog article should come out with the 0.6 release
- Other WGs in Kantara are anxious to support the consent receipt work,
but they need something to point to
- Also planning a related campaign with the Open Notice project
Action Items
- AI: Mary to review the current master copy of the spec and offer
corrections through github
- AI: Mark to draft the MVCR use case by the next meeting
- AI: Heather to update the wiki with the latest text (after Mary's updates)
- AI: Heather to create a document following the Draft Recommendation
format in order to send the document out for IPR review