2014-11-20 Ad-Hoc - Meeting Notes


Nov 20, 2014



    • we talk about putting the MVCR in a website like http://creativecommons.org/choose/
    • which gives orgs a consent receipt for their site
    • the plan is to get a grant for this 
    • write the spec as the site is built
    • we are going to look at use cases over the next couple of weeks. 
      • a specific context would be good all ideas welcome.
    • We also talked about the organisational structure with Customer Commons hosting the consent receipt
    • Iain is going to bring the idea to the board of Customer Commons
    • Mark is going to socialise as well and take comments

Action Items

  • Make grant application for 2.5 k in dev for MVCR - open use alpha - for 1 page dev implementation alpha for CIS,
  • Formalise Open Notice Registry, maybe in partnership with Custome Commons