UMA Dev telecon 2015-09-22

UMA Dev telecon 2015-09-22

Date and Time


  • Roll call
    Quick hits:
    • Meeting schedule
      • Regular meetings through late October at most?
      • Did everyone fill out the SurveyMonkey survey? 
    • AI review
      • Eve: Add design questions as GitHub issues. [DONE]
      • Allan: Further editing, including input from telecon 2015-09-15 and the RPT endpoint.
    • If quorum, approve minutes of past quorate meetings and read into today's minutes notes of past non-quorate meetings:
  • Walk through Roland's code and learn about its design center (if Roland has good wifi)
  • Review Allan's generic API revisions
  • AOB


We had technical troubles today and decided not to muck with fate, wrapping up before formally convening.


As of 2015-07-31, quorum is 4 of 6. 

  1. Eve
  2. Roland

Non-voting participants:

  • Rebecka
  • Katie
  • Jamie