NL eRecognition public consultation

NL eRecognition public consultation

The Dutch Standardisation Forum asked the eGov-WG experts to give an opinion on the Dutch SAML profile for eRecognition. 

They put the specification document online as Dutch originals:

English (machine translated) at the Kantara wiki:

They have the following questions in particular:

  1. How does this SAML-profile compare to prevailing (international) profiles? 
  2. What could this mean for adoption and market acceptance of the eHerkenning SAML profile? 
  3. How is interoperability affected by the choices taken?

The expert opinion and reactions in the consultation will be used by the Standardisation Forum&College to decide on inclusion of this SAML profile in the list with open standards for which a ‘comply or explain’-regime is in place in the public sector.


The expert's comments are in the attached page.