WG - Cloud Identity and Security Best Practices

WG - Cloud Identity and Security Best Practices

This is the home of the space.

This WG - CloudIDSec operates under the Kantara IPR Option: Patent & Copyright: Riciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-Out to Reasonable and Non Discriminatory (RAND)

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Read the full charter.

The core purpose of the CloudIDSec WG is to identify the overlap between the field of Cloud Computing and the Kantara federated identity programs, with a view to defining:

  • How Cloud Computing can be leveraged to implement Kantara specifications (e.g. Identity Assurance Framework components) – This will define specifications for 'IDaaS' – Identity as a Service. What configurations of software can Cloud Service Providers implement; How can they be audited to verify compliance, etc.,
  • How Kantara can help advance Cloud Security best practices - Define how Kantara Assurance and Interop Programs can be applied to enhance security of Cloud environments, particularly in line with achieving compliance with Government standards and linked to Government Privacy Audit policies.


Neil McEvoy, Founder, Cloud Best Practices Network


TBD [March 2013]


TBD [March 2013]


TBD [March 2013]


Teleconference Info:

Bi-weekly starting Thursday, 11 April 2013 @ 12:00 PT
Skype: +99051000000481
United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842+1-201
Room Code: 178-2540

For more dial-in information and international dial-in numbers, see: Telco Bridge Info

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