2010-03-23 - Call
0) Roll
Paul Madsen
John Tolbert
Adrian Gropper
Ari Kermair
Joni Brennan
John Bradley
1) Approval of minutes
No quorum, approval deferred
2) Surveys
John Tolbert: talked to Gerry Gebel at Axiomatics. Gerry was interested in pushing the authz survey more to solicit more responses. We'll keep the authz survey open for the near future, see what happens there.
Paul: preference is to close off the assurance survey.
Joni: we can export from SurveyMonkey as HTML, Excel, or PDF.
Will both surveys become 'interim reports' ?
Joni: perhaps no need for the overhead of a report. Can simply publish to wikie as a public document for people to find
Paul & Joni to close down assurance survey & extract data for publication
3) Proxying assurance for OpenID/SAML guidelines
Steps for publishing as 'interim report'
We require a majority in order to publish as a report.
Joni & Paul to set up email ballot
4) AOB
Paul will send an NTT deck from the RSA workshop presenting the work we've done around a SAML/OAuth hybrid