Call Dec 15 2009

Call Dec 15 2009


Paul Madsen
Joni Brennan
John Tolbert
John Bradley
Scott Cantor
Tatsuki Sakushima
George Fletcher

Approval of minutes from last call


LOA survey (Paul)

feedback collected from 2 beta testers, people encouraged to read

Authz survey (John T)

John T, Paul sent note to John from Patrick. Delaying release probably makes sense

Update of Proxying Assurance between SAML & OpenID

  • reflects SAML LOA profile achieving CD status
  • discussion on ICAM OpenID profile & PAPE LOA

John B - no guarantee as to what the OpenID community will do. ICAM made the best of the situation. Ultimately, the ability
to add LOA to requests may make it into PAPE. Yahoo may still want to use the LOA response to express NIST LOA0, even in addition to the ICAM LOA1 policy URI

Other ICAM stuff like PPIDs was shoved into PAPE

George, kinda think we overloaded PAPE in order to have ICAM policies on an approved extension.

George, can you (Paul) not just do what ICAM did, ie carry the LOA in the PAPE authentication policy?

Paul, yes, we will

George, ultimately the OpenID community works by getting people together and agreeing on something - not always set in stone.

Paul to update deploym,ent guide to reflect SAML LOA profile & ICAM model for PAPE & LOA

Event planning

Paul expressed NTT interest in demoing SAML&OAuth hybrid

Scott asked whether it made sense to have something defined as a spec somewhere before demoing

Paul indicated that if there were interest he would propose some SAML protocol extensiosn.

Next call Tuesday January 12 (normal time)