Charter (Concordia)

Charter (Concordia)

(1) Discussion Group Name

Concordia Discussion Group

(2) Discussion Topic/Purpose/Motivation

The Concordia Discussion Group is an evolution of Project Concordia, an umbrella initiative to drive harmonization and interoperability of identity technology. Concordia is the Roman goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony. In this spirit, the goals of this DG are to:

  • Collect real-world user and deployer knowledge from around the world about the undesirable complexities of interactions within and amongst identity-enabled systems
  • Collaborate on the creation of use-case scenarios that highlight this complexity, particularly in cases where multiple identity specifications may be involved, and 'impedance mismatches' subsequently arise
  • Identify where modifications and/or extensions to existing identity protocols and systems could mitigate such impedance mismatches
  • Foster implementation and interoperability experiments that explore and inform the use-case scenarios and requirements
  • Facilitate the creation (in other venues) of additional specifications, profiles, guidelines, or other artifacts that reduce complexity and thereby help to drive successful development and deployment of ubiquitous, interoperable, privacy-respecting identity systems

(3) Discussion Group Leadership

Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems

(4) Audience (who is this DG aimed to attracting into the discussion)

This Discussion Group aims to attract cross-sector and cross-geography users, deployers, and providers of identity-related technologies, and contributors to and users of the protocols being used in these technologies (e.g. the "Venn" protocols, OAuth, and so on).

(5) Copyright Policy (which copyright license will this DG operate under)

Kantara Initiative IPR Policies: Option Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

(6) Proposers

  • J. Trent Adams, ISOC
  • George Fletcher, AOL
  • Lena Kannappan, Fugen
  • Paul Madsen, NTT
  • Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems
  • Shivaram Mysore (participant)
  • Klaas Wiereng, Cisco




June 24th, 2009

The Leadership Council accepts this charter for operation.