Privacy Framework Proposal - A Credential Lifecycle Approach

Privacy Framework Proposal - A Credential Lifecycle Approach

Draft Document Submitted to the P3WG for Consideration

Privacy Framework Proposal: A Credential Lifecycle Approach

The document attached to this page describes a Privacy Framework to be created that can be used in conjunction with a standard credential management lifecycle. The framework defines at a summary level a methodology for organizations to manage personal data in a privacy-respecting manner.

  • Editor: J. Trent Adams
  • Contributors: Mark Lizar, Christine Runnegar, Colin Soutar, Robin Wilton
  File Modified

Microsoft Word 97 Document p3wg_privacy_framework_DRAFT.doc First draft submitted to P3WG body of the whole for consideration of next steps.

Sep 29, 2010 by Former user

NOTE: This document was developed as part of a P3WG Privacy Framework subcommittee and was submitted to the P3WG body of the whole for consideration of next steps on September 29, 2010.