P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-12-03

P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-12-03

  1. Roll call
      1. Trent Adams
      2. Rich Furr
      3. Britta Glade
      4. Iain Henderson
      5. Susan Landau
      6. Mark Lizar
      7. Bob Pinheiro
      8. Darrell Shull
      9. Colin Soutar
      10. Jeff Stollman
      11. Aaron Titus
      12. Robin Wilton
    2. REGRETS:
      1. Abbie Barbir
  2. Action Item updates
    1. RW update on Brett sending letter to position us as advisor to both US ICAM and UK CESG (Tabled because RW was not in attendance)
      1. DONE. Brett has emailed contacts provided by Patrick Curry and cc'ed Robin.
      2. ACTION ITEM: Robin will track response and ping them if they don't respond promptly.
    2. RW draft response to The Public Voice on Madrid Declaration (Tabled because RW was not in attendance)
      1. RW: Done.
      2. ACTION ITEM: Review on next call, then vote on sending it.
    3. RW to reach out to Lee Tien of Electronic Frontier Foundation to join P3
      1. RW: Has emailed Lee Tien, awaiting response
    4. SL will provide a report on CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, DC)
      1. Sent out a link to paper.
      2. ACTION ITEM: SL will recirculate
      3. RW: he and Trent are trying to organize a roundtable of techies and legal people on privacy
      4. RW: ACTION ITEM contact Ari Schwartz about roundtable
    5. RW: SC27 liaison
      1. We can increase interaction with SC27 because Robin has been tasked by them to craft privacy capability maturity model due in mid-January. He is seeking support from P3
      2. ACTION ITEM: RW: followup on formal liaison invitation
    6. JS update on Berkman Center tracking privacy
      1. http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Other+Privacy+Organizations
      2. Doc forwarded request to someone at Berkman who might have a better idea of such activities; awaiting reply
      3. Incomplete at this time;
      4. ACTION ITEM: JS to contact person referenced by Doc Searles to compel a response
      5. JS suggests that we need to actively track these groups, not merely list them.
      6. SL tracks CDT, EPIC, and EFF
    7. FTC ballot update
      1. 3 votes collected
      2. Live attendees
        1. Trent Adams
        2. Bob Pinheiro
        3. Jeff Stollman
        4. Aaron Titus
      3. BP raised question of whether we should offer specific guidance on regulations
      4. RW we are technologists and likely overstep our bounds providing specific guidance
        1. We can state what is technical possible
        2. We can state what is best practice
        3. We can state the gap between these and an ideal state that requires policy guidance
          1. AT sent out 10 policy recommendations on breach notification from his Liberty
          2. CS pointed out that we should not change text in mid ballot and may need
    8. RW: Doodle poll update
      1. ACTION ITEM: RW: Will email link to poll
      2. Voting
        1. Green indicates willing to lead
        2. Amber indicates willing to participate
        3. Red indicates not interested in the item
  3. Approve past meeting minutes (DS)
    1. Oct15 thru Nov 12 minutes approved without dissent
  4. P3 Strategic Focus (RW)
    1. Wiki address: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Workstream+Foci
  5. All other business
    1. Robin will step down as Chair
    2. ACTION ITEM: RW will send out email soliciting nominees to replace him