P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-12-03
P3WG Meeting Minutes 2009-12-03
- Roll call
- Trent Adams
- Rich Furr
- Britta Glade
- Iain Henderson
- Susan Landau
- Mark Lizar
- Bob Pinheiro
- Darrell Shull
- Colin Soutar
- Jeff Stollman
- Aaron Titus
- Robin Wilton
- Abbie Barbir
- Action Item updates
- RW update on Brett sending letter to position us as advisor to both US ICAM and UK CESG (Tabled because RW was not in attendance)
- DONE. Brett has emailed contacts provided by Patrick Curry and cc'ed Robin.
- ACTION ITEM: Robin will track response and ping them if they don't respond promptly.
- RW draft response to The Public Voice on Madrid Declaration (Tabled because RW was not in attendance)
- RW: Done.
- ACTION ITEM: Review on next call, then vote on sending it.
- RW to reach out to Lee Tien of Electronic Frontier Foundation to join P3
- RW: Has emailed Lee Tien, awaiting response
- SL will provide a report on CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, DC)
- Sent out a link to paper.
- ACTION ITEM: SL will recirculate
- RW: he and Trent are trying to organize a roundtable of techies and legal people on privacy
- RW: ACTION ITEM contact Ari Schwartz about roundtable
- RW: SC27 liaison
- We can increase interaction with SC27 because Robin has been tasked by them to craft privacy capability maturity model due in mid-January. He is seeking support from P3
- ACTION ITEM: RW: followup on formal liaison invitation
- JS update on Berkman Center tracking privacy
- http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Other+Privacy+Organizations
- Doc forwarded request to someone at Berkman who might have a better idea of such activities; awaiting reply
- Incomplete at this time;
- ACTION ITEM: JS to contact person referenced by Doc Searles to compel a response
- JS suggests that we need to actively track these groups, not merely list them.
- SL tracks CDT, EPIC, and EFF
- FTC ballot update
- 3 votes collected
- Live attendees
- Trent Adams
- Bob Pinheiro
- Jeff Stollman
- Aaron Titus
- BP raised question of whether we should offer specific guidance on regulations
- RW we are technologists and likely overstep our bounds providing specific guidance
- We can state what is technical possible
- We can state what is best practice
- We can state the gap between these and an ideal state that requires policy guidance
- AT sent out 10 policy recommendations on breach notification from his Liberty
- CS pointed out that we should not change text in mid ballot and may need
- RW: Doodle poll update
- ACTION ITEM: RW: Will email link to poll
- Voting
- Green indicates willing to lead
- Amber indicates willing to participate
- Red indicates not interested in the item
- RW update on Brett sending letter to position us as advisor to both US ICAM and UK CESG (Tabled because RW was not in attendance)
- Approve past meeting minutes (DS)
- Oct15 thru Nov 12 minutes approved without dissent
- P3 Strategic Focus (RW)
- All other business
- Robin will step down as Chair
- ACTION ITEM: RW will send out email soliciting nominees to replace him
, multiple selections available,