AMDG Notes from attribute break-out session
AMDG Notes from attribute break-out session
Who is interested in attributes? - Notes from the ISOC Identity Ecosystem Working Group
Open Groups defining standards / schemas / frameworks
- OIX Attribute Exchange: only having its first meeting this week .
- MACE-DIR / eduperson / SHAC.
More closed defining standards / schemas / frameworks
- ITU SG 17 U10: open to liaison with experts on board and open to members.
- ISO.
These are possibly at a higher level than attribute schema.
Discussion / implementation groups:
- Kantara Attribute Discussion Group.
- REFEDS Attribute Release.
- Other.
- eID initiatives.
Problem areas
- Sharing across the groups
- it is difficult to share across where information is closed off by non-release before final / copyright / behind closed doors. The earlier in the process you share work, the easier interoperability is later. Where is convergence?
- How are we ensuring that the correct feedback is being created when outputs / schemas / proposals are coming out of these groups? Is Kantara the feature for this?
- making John Bradley be the lynch-pin.
- use existing discussion groups – Kantara is the obvious place.
- Go out to all the places having discussions – unscaleable.
What is the “internet of things” attribute schema?
- MIBS (++).
- Attributes of things as well as attributes of people.
- Devices – as identity consumers as well as having identities themselves. Is device identity more a projection of personal identity?
- Too much, too many, too patchy.
- Collision-resistant namespaces - the OpenID Connect approach.
- A simple way to design attribute schema.
- Attribute registry?
- Things that don’t assume that there will be one of every type.
- Agreement around extensibility.
- Context provider – in what context can I use this context?
Where does the conversation about this happen? Who operates an attribute registry? We need real participants who will benefit from this.
- Fostering Implementation
- Developing the business case, putting time and effort in to adoption of what we have now.
- Discussions to be had around what is the right scope to put around the structure of attributes – filtering, flexibility, assertion.
- ????
Unclear spaces
- Language code – still not a coherent way to express preferred language.
- write up an RFC on problematic points?
OVERALL ACTION: Give these notes to OIX and Kantara
, multiple selections available,