P3WG Meeting Notes 2011-04-07


Susan Landau
Mark Lizar
Anna Slomovic

Ben Wilson
Rich Furr

Jeff Stollman
Trent Adams

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin


1. Roll call — quorum was not achieved

  • Susan Landau sends her apologies for the next PF telecon on the 14th.

2. Motion of Minutes Approval : 11 Jan 2011

  • As this was a non quorate call, minutes could not be approved.

3. Spring Cleaning  

Wiki & Recruiting

  • Mark is proposing updating the charter to reflect the PF subgroup. A workgroup vote will be needed to update and approve the charter. From there, the revised charter will be elevated to the LC for ratification. This effort is felt necessary as the work group continues to reach out in a marketing and recruiting capacity.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110407-01 Mark will update the charter and put the proposed revisions to the list


  • Though volunteer efforts can often be compromised by bandwidth constraints, the work group believes having guidance on a way forward could better focus efforts and provide collateral for marketing and recruitment.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110407-02 Mark and Anna Ticktin will draft outlines of P3 /PF roadmap, identifying milestones and deliverables.


4. Privacy And Public Policy Concern---some questions:

  • Is PII (Personally Identifiable Information)- no longer useful as a public policy term in an Privacy Framework?
  • Is de-identification of data possible or practical?
  • Considering use limitation of identifiers, credentials and attributes, What should the public policy be for a privacy framework?
  • What's the right question for us to consider in a Kantara context?
  • Can privacy assurance be made with informed consent?


  • "Informed" should be defined in the Informed Consent principle. Mark will reflect this.
    • In the call: we define what informed means - limiting the definition to encompass only the agent informing the user on how to use the data - not how that data may then be used in other ways or with other data.
    • This ties in with the use of Purpose Specification and Use Limitation that Mark will try and capture in the principle doc.

    List Mentions

X P3PNW -  We discussed :

  • Myths and Fallacies of Personally Identifiable Information - www.cs.utexas.edu/~shmat/shmat_cacm10.pdf
    •  #P3PNW: A Privacy Myth that anonymizing only PII will prevent reuse of that data to re-identify a person.

5. AOB

  • Ben Wilson socialized his efforts on Data Recipients in the IAWG.
    Mark will forward some links to Ben as an FYI and extends the invite to join the next PF-SG telecon on the 14th to further discuss.
