2017-07-12 Draft Meeting Notes

2017-07-12 Draft Meeting Notes

TFS Sync - July

Wednesday, July 12



Ann West, Incommon/Internet2

Colin Wallis, Kantara Initiative Inc.

Nandini Diamond, GSA-FICAM

Andrew Hughes, LC Chair

Matt King, SAFE

Ken Dagg, IAWG Chair

Richard Wilsher, Zygma

Lee Aber, ID.me

Andrew H., AYN International

Scott Shorter, KUMA

Ruth Puente, Kantara Initiative Inc. 



Incommon Report

Incommon commented that is interconnected globally through eduGAIn, which is the R&E federation metadata aggregation service run by GEANT in the EU. They shared the comparison document between eduGAIN and eIDAS, available here: https://geant.box.com/v/eduGAIN-eIDAS-Comparison


IAWG Report

IAWG is currently working on the project plan to revise the IAF to accommodate 800-63-3.


FICAM Report 

They are working to re-shape the TFS documents and re-align them with PKI. They will circulate the documents to the broader trust community in about 3 weeks. The plan is to get inputs from the community and make adjustments according to the feedback they receive.

Also, they are drafting a credential policy, which is on initial draft phase.


Open Mic 

  • The TFS stakeholders requested a table of content of the documents that FICAM mentioned in order to have a sense on the direction of those.
  • There was a question concerning the transition from 800-63-2 conformity to 63-3 conformity:  What it is that has to happen 12 months out from when 800-63-3 was released, is it that from that date on every assessment has to be against 800-63-3 for every agency or is it that there is then a 12-month window during they are expected to transition?. 

Action items

  • Nandini Diamond to send the Table of contents from Draft Certification and Renewal Document (It was sent to the mailing list on Monday, August 7 Table of Contents.docx)
  • Nandini Diamond to share the question on the transition from -2 to -3 with FICAM team and provide clarity to the TFS stakeholders. (After the meeting, she confirmed with leadership that NIST means folks to come into conformance in one year).