UMA telecon 2023-01-12
UMA telecon 2023-01-12
Date and Time
Primary-week Thursdays 06:30am PT; Secondary-week Thursdays 10:00am PT
Screenshare and dial-in:
United States: +1 346 248 7799, Access Code: 994 8781 4311
See UMA calendar for additional details:
Approve minutes since UMA telecon 2022-06-30
Pensions Dashboard / Open Banking Use-case report, initial discussion
Leadership elections
NOTE: As of Sept 15, 2022, quorum is 3 of 5. (Peter, Sal, Alec, Eve, Steve)
Non-voting participants:
Quorum: Yes
Meeting Minutes
Approve previous meeting minutes
Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2022-08-11, UMA telecon 2022-08-25, UMA telecon 2022-09-08 , UMA telecon 2022-09-15 , UMA telecon 2022-09-22 , UMA telecon 2022-09-29 , UMA telecon 2022-10-06 , UMA telecon 2022-10-13 , UMA telecon 2022-10-20 , UMA telecon 2022-10-27 , UMA telecon 2022-11-03 , UMA telecon 2022-11-10 , UMA telecon 2022-11-24 , UMA telecon 2022-12-01 , UMA telecon 2022-12-08 , UMA telecon 2022-12-15 , UMA telecon 2023-01-05
Alec moves to approve, Sal and Steve 2nd and 3rd it! Motion Passes!!
Pensions Dashboard / Open Banking Use-case report, initial discussion
Draft will be worked on here:
show UMA being used for a financial section use-case
UMA implementation and applications
UMA value add to this solution
keep it under 10 pages
Audience? Technical or not? Let’s keep it general/accessible and then put technical information into the appendix
Should we follow the TOC of Julie Adam’s use case?
Why Read This Report
Intro to use case and data-sharing implication/challenges that need to be addressed
individuals have a pension managed by each company they work for, companies have pension partners that manage it for them
3. The Nuts and BOLTS of Policy and How It Impacts Julie’s Journey – need to look into the UK landscape and what BOLTS are relevant here
sharing or PI during find, the finding of advisors
4. Overview of the Pensions Dashboard solution + how it uses UMA
pension provider registration, dashboard registration, user and advisor identity
find pensions (not uma), pension registration (uma fedz), pension management + delegation (@the uma as), pension viewing (Uma grant)
not happy paths
5. UMA vs OAuth – what UMA enabled, why UMA
multiple RSs, federated RSs, delegation/RqP/resource-sharing, self-management of access policy, clients stay unaware of authorization/policy
it’s not OIDC or identity federation, it’s data access
without getting too technically deep!
6. Conclusion, extension to openbanking + other use cases, comparison to other places
Appendix A: Kantara + pensions dashboards programme relationship (About This Report and the Standards Mentioned)
Appendix B: References/ Bibliography
Appendix C+: as needed if we want to get into tech/other details
Pension Dashboard/Viewer (many, B2C) *- Pension Authorization Service (1 operated by Gov?, G2C) 1-* Pension Providers (B2B, B2C)
Alec will email the Pensions Dashboard folks to inform them of our intention.
UMA leadership elections upcoming
Sal nominates Alec to stay in the chair role. Sal nominates Steve to remain in the Vice-Chair role
Hearing no objection. Passes by Acclamation!
NIST 800-63 rev 4 draft is out:
Kantara + Better ID Coalition info session coming up on the Jan 24th
Will have it on our Agenda sometime in Feb, once we’ve had some time to read and digest
Potential Future Work Items / Meeting Topics
Tentative 2023 roadmap:
120 A financial use-case report (following the Julie healthcare template)
openbanking is to FHIR(data model) as FAPI is to SMARTonFHIR(authZ protocol profile)
123 Pensions Dasboard Report → use-case is well understood and live/going live soon. tight use-case
Let’s reach out to some of the involved people eg at Origo or Forgerock. Were there any gaps in UMA they had to work around?
127 Open Banking Report → requires more research, determine use case
Who would lead this/ needs this for UMA in open banking contexts? Should come after FAPI review?
130 IDPro knowledge base articles
140 Wikipedia article refresh
Full list:
20 Confluence clean up, archive old items and promote the latest & greatest
10 UMA glossary – Steve has started
100 FAPI Review (FAPI + UMA)
scope: how the FAPI work could be applied to UMA ecosystems
review may inform what profiling work is required, eg if UMA must support PAR to work with FAPI
120 A financial use-case report (following the Julie healthcare template)
openbanking is to FHIR(data model) as FAPI is to SMARTonFHIR(authZ protocol profile)
123 Pensions Dasboard Report → use-case is well understood and live/going live soon. tight use-case
Let’s reach out to some of the involved people eg at Origo or Forgerock. Were there any gaps in UMA they had to work around?
127 Open Banking Report → requires more research, determine use case
Who would lead this/ needs this for UMA in open banking contexts? Should come after FAPI review?
130 IDPro knowledge base articles
140 Wikipedia article refresh
150 Minor profiling work,
resource scopes → scopes
PAR as dynamic scopes eg fhir query params
policy manager & policy description
110 pushed claims types: templates + profiles (beyond IDTokens): 171 VCs, 113 consent, policy, mDL
use-case, consent as claims (needs_info),
if the client has gathered RqP consent, can it be presented to the AS
the policy to access a resource says "you must have agreed to this TOS/consent"
compare to interactive claims gathering where the AS would present this consent/TOS to the RqP
intersection with ANCR/consent receipt/trust registry work in other Kantara groups
170 UMA + Verifiable Credentials
how would VCs work in an UMA ecosystem? How could VCs be used as claims in UMA
There are openapi specs for VC formats
Could UMA protect a VC presentation or issuance endpoint?
There's a lot of openid4vc profiles
300 mDL + UMA
scope: how mDL could work in UMA ecosystems, how mDL could be a claim to UMA
is there a role for UMA in token fabrication and referencing it as the RS?
600 Review of the email-poc correlated authorization specification
500 UMA + GNAP
would we have an UMA GNAP version (eg extension of GNAP or UMA? UMAonGNAP)
will GNAP meet all the UMA outcomes?
UMA 2 playground/sandbox