UMA telecon 2015-10-22
UMA telecon 2015-10-22
UMA telecon 2015-10-22
Date and Time
- Thu Oct 22, 9-10am PT
- Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 (international dial-in lines), room code 178-2540#
- Screen sharing: http://join.me/findthomas - NOTE: IGNORE the join.me dial-in line shown here in favor of the dial-in info above (Kantara "line C" and the Skype line)
- UMA calendar: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/uma/Calendar
- Public Review status and outstanding comment review
- Considering our Independent Submission stance of record: is there news?
- Permission registration extension spec idea
- How are we doing on other outstanding AIs?
- If time: Consider charter revisions/cleanup
Public Review status and outstanding comment review
Considering our Independent Submission stance of record: is there news?
Permission registration extension spec idea
How are we doing on other outstanding AIs?
If time: Consider charter revisions/cleanup
Previous AI status
- AI: Thomas: Review the charter for potential revisions in this annual cycle.
- AI: Sal: Investigate IP implications of formal liaison activities with other Kantara groups with the LC, and ultimately draft an LC Note as warranted.
- AI: Gil: Edit the UIG to add Ishan's content and excerpt it for Eve to add to the FAQ, pointing everyone to the UIG.
- AI: Mike: Write SCIM protection case study to highlight client claims-based use case.
- AI: Andi and Zhanna: Please look at the section on optional and extension properties to see what might need an update to account for V1.0.1. [DONE]
- AI: Maciej: Review and correct the Redirecting the Requesting Party to the Client After Claims Gathering section.
- AI: Maciej: Write up some recommendations for the RPT Refreshing section.
- AI: Maciej: Try to find Justin's old recommendations for the Permission Ticket Management section.
As of 13 Oct 2015, quorum is 7 of 13. (François, Domenico, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Mary, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Sourav, Lisa, Arlene, Mike)
- tbs
Non-voting participants:
- tbs
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