UMA Trust Model

UMA Trust Model

UMA Trust Model

Following are handy links to the UMA "trust model" spec, Binding Obligations on UMA Participants, and related materials.


UMA Binding Obligations

This is the pretty-printed latest version, available on the Kantara site. It may be more up to date than the version last contributed as an IETF I-D.

UMA Binding Obligations I-D

This is the latest version contributed as an IETF I-D. It may be out of date with respect to the version linked above. We don't submit I-D revisions for every little edit.

User guide

Domenico Catalano's latest work on leveraging UMA in an actual deployed ecosystem.

Measuring elements of trust

Measuring elements of Trust
Domenico's early study analyzing the UMA trust proposition.

UMA on GitHub

This is the GitHub repository for the spec and issues.

UMA issues

This is a direct link to the issues list.
This is a short link you can use to direct people back to this page.

Recent breaking changes

Following is a catalog of notable changes.

  • (None yet: rev 00 is the first "normative" version)