UMA telecon 2012-08-23
UMA telecon 2012-08-23
Date and Time
- Focus meeting on Thursday, 23 August 2012, at 9am PT (time chart) - interop
- Skype: +99051000000481
- US: +1-805-309-2350 (other international dial-in lines available) | Room Code: 178-2540
- Review interop-related open AIs
- Work on feature tests collaboratively through
AI: Eve: Flesh out GitHub issues.
New issue on core spec: Do we want the AM config data to be signable? If so, do we need new feature tests for it? Currently we rely on channel security for retrieving AM metadata, but we might want to have the AM positively provide origin authentication for the config data.
New issue on feature tests: The only "binding obs" feature test we might consider at some point is if the AM (or other roles) positively declare UMA (technical) conformance in machine-readable config data somewhere.
We don't know of any formal testing environment or feature tests for OAuth 2.0. So we'll keep this high-level on our side. We thought about an optional test for alternate grant flow advertisements, but took it out because this should be in the realm of UMA profiles and their specialty feature tests.
Summary of features and feature tests designed/confirmed this time:
|feature_id = f-am-config
|feature_description = AM makes available configuration data in the right form at the right location.
|feature_type = interop
|name = AM config data conforms to application/uma-configuration+json
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-am-config-data
|name = AM config data provides https endpoints
|testtype = optional
|identifier = FT-am-config-endpts
|name = Host retrieves AM config data
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-h-get-config-data
|name = Requester retrieves AM config data
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-r-get-config-data
|feature_id = f-dyn-client-reg
|feature_description = AM supports generating dynamic client credentials and host and requester support getting them.
|feature_type = optional
|name = AM config data contains "yes" value for "dynamic_client_registration_supported" property.
|testtype = optional
|identifier = FT-am-dyn-client-reg
|name = Host gets client credentials dynamically
|testtype = optional
|identifier = FT-h-get-dyn-client-creds
|name = Requester gets client credentials dynamically
|testtype = optional
|identifier = FT-r-get-dyn-client-creds
|feature_id = f-pat
|feature_description = AM issues PAT to host.
|feature_type = interop
|name = AM issues PAT to host given correct OAuth authorization_code grant flow and a request for the "" scope.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-h-get-pat
|name = AM protects its protection API endpoints so as to require "" scope to gain access.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-am-require-pat
|name = Host presents PAT correctly to AM protection API endpoints.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-h-use-pat
|feature_id = f-aat
|feature_description = AM issues AAT to requester.
|feature_type = interop
|name = AM issues AAT to host given correct OAuth authorization_code grant flow and a request for the "" scope.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-r-get-aat
|name = AM protects its authorization API endpoints so as to require "" scope to gain access.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-am-require-aat
|name = Requester presents AAT correctly to AM authorization API endpoints.
|testtype = normal
|identifier = FT-r-use-aat
- Eve
- Peter
- Alam
- Lukasz
- Maciej
- Sal
- Thomas
Next Meetings
- NO WG telecon on Thursday, 30 August 2012
- Focus meeting on Thursday, 6 September 2012, at 9am PT (time chart) - interop/technical (Eve regrets)
- Focus meeting on Thursday, 13 September 2012, at 9am PT (time chart) - educational
- Focus meeting on Thursday, 20 September 2012, at 9am PT (time chart) - legal
- All-hands meeting on Thursday, 27 September 2012, at 9am PT (time chart)